Quotes from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

Morgan Matson ·  344 pages

Rating: (76.1K votes)

“Tomorrow will be better.”
“But what if it’s not?” I asked.
“Then you say it again tomorrow. Because it might be. You never know, right? At some point, tomorrow will be better.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“The best discoveries always happened to the people who weren't looking for them.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“Saying good-bye is basically an invitation not to see a person again. It's making it okay for that to be the last conversation you have. So if you don't say it--if you leave the conversation open--it means you'll have to see them again." ~Roger Sullivan”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“It’s not about the destination. It’s getting there that’s the good part.
- Leonard”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“I'd found out that if you pushed people away hard enough, they tended to go.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“I’d found out that when you’re never going to see someone again, it’s not the good-bye that matters. What matters is that you’re never going to be able to say anything else to them, and you’re left with an eternal unfinished conversation.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“If you like everything, that’s basically just saying that you don’t really like anything.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“...You can do something extraordinary, and something that a lot of people can't do. And if you have the opportunity to work on your gifts, it seems like a crime not to. I mean, it's just weakness to quit because something becomes too hard...”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“Ad astra per aspera, to the stars through adversity”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“You've got to have pride in your home. You are where you're from. Otherwise, you're always going to be lost.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“The best discoveries always happened to the people who weren't looking for it. Columbus and America. Pinzon, who stumbled on Brazil while looking for the West Indies. Stanley happening on Victoria Falls. And you. Amy Curry, when I was least expecting her.
-Roger Sullivan”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“We can’t know what’s going to happen. We can just try to figure it out as we go along.
- Roger Sullivan”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“Roger: "God, I've been wanting to do that for a long time."

Amy: "Really"

Roger: "Oh yes. Since Kansas. At least.
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“Roger, he has a chain saw," I hissed. "I am not going to die in Kentucky!”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“And sometimes,” she added, in slightly hushed tones, like she was letting me in on a secret, “if you don’t feel great on the inside, just look great on the outside, and after a while you won’t be able to tell the difference.” (Bronwyn)”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“I think there are lots of things still to be discovered. You just have to be paying attention.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“He stood and looked at me for a moment, taking in my outfit. "You look hot."
"What? Me?" I stammered, completely flummoxed.
"Yeah," he said, still looking at me.
"Oh. Um, thank you. I mean, not that you don’t, but I’m not sure that you should—I mean …"
"Oh, no," Roger said quickly, and I could see that he was blushing again. "No. I mean—I meant what you’re wearing. Are you going to be too warm?”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“I loved the idea that people could discover things. That you could be the person to see something first. Or see something that nobody else had been able to.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“I’d always loved the chance to become someone else for a few hours. Someone for whom the words had been written, every gesture and emotion plotted, and the ending figured out. Almost like life. Just without the surprises.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“It was like there was an elephant in the room. An elephant that expected us to have sex.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“The thing about Magellan is the thing about all these explorers. Most of the time, they’re just determined to chase impossible things. And most of them are so busy looking at the horizon that they can’t even see what’s right in front of them.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“Hey," he said smiling at me pulling off his sunglasses. "Did you get me something good?"
"I think so," I said trying to ignore how hard my heart was beating. Then before I could think about it or analyze or consider what I was doing I leaned over and kissed him.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“You + Me
saw this...


Thank you for finding America with me”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“In addition to the OPEN RANGE CAUTION, there were animal signs I'd never seen before-an antelope, a cow, and cow with horns...But it worried me that, without warning, a cow with horns might be running across the interstate. And that this had happened frequently enough that they'd had to erect a sign to warn people about it.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“there was something about being alone in places that were usually filled with people that made them seem particularly empty when it was just you.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“The best discoveries always happened to the people who weren't looking for them. Columbus and America. Pinzón who stumbled on Brazil while looking for the West Indies. Stanley happening on Victoria Falls. And you. Amy Curry when I was least expecting her."
I smiled back at him while feeling sharply just how much I was going to miss him. It was almost a physical pain. "I'm on that list?"
"You're at the top of that list." He leaned over and kissed me and I kissed back.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“He told me that if you yelled out "JAMBA!" at full volume, all the employees would yell back "JUICE!" He lied.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“And we were kissing like drowning people breathe-- like suddenly we'd discovered something that has never been so sweet before that moment.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“I blinked them back, hard. I had a feeling that if I let myself start crying, there was a very real possibility I would never stop again.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

“There weren‘t enough tears to cry.”
― Morgan Matson, quote from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour


About the author

Morgan Matson
Born date September 19, 2018
See more on GoodReads

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