Quotes from A Shade of Vampire

Bella Forrest ·  296 pages

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“No. In my eyes, she was most beautiful because at a time when she had every right to be terrified, she managed to show comfort to another person who needed it.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I know an excuse when I hear one. Don't you dare deceive yourself into believing that you're the victim, Derek Novak.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“Because I don’t believe that you are a slave to what you’ve become. I don’t believe that you simply can’t.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“What's on your mind, Derek? she whispered.

"You..." I saw no reason to lie "...how I can't imagine life without you.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“What is it with these people and shoving me up against hard surfaces?”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I realized that the whole time I was holding this beautiful stranger in my arms, feeding on her, it felt like I was betraying Sofia.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I’ve always found myself completely attuned to all five of my senses, but that night, I was to all but one. My sight was blurred by the tears I was fighting to hold back. I couldn’t appreciate the exotic scene around me. All I could think about was the disappointed expression on my best friend’s handsome face.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I had only myself to rely on. And that, I thought, was the most frightening aspect of my predicament. After all, how could I rely on someone I couldn’t trust?”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“The younger will rule above father and brother and his reign alone can provide his kind true sanctuary.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“If my goal in life was to not go insane, this sure was not helping me meet my objective.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I’d expected to wake up to a pitch-black night… Instead I woke up to her.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“From the moment I got here, all I’ve wanted to do is escape and go back home, but Derek…” She leaned toward me and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. “You’ve begun to feel like home.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“In the middle of his performance, it dawned on me that this was exactly the effect Derek Novak had on me; one way or another, he always took my breath away.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I know an excuse when I hear one, Sofia. Don’t you dare dupe yourself into believing that you’re the victim.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“Most people who have LLI do end up going crazy, Sofia … unless they have a high enough IQ to handle it. You’re one of those lucky few.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“With Sofia, it felt like I’d finally found my compass. I knew that as long as I had her, I had someone to keep me grounded, someone to direct my way. If only for Sofia, I had a reason to stay awake.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I know an excuse when I hear one. Don’t you dare deceive yourself into believing that you’re the victim, Derek Novak.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“She was beautiful because, at a time when she had every right to be terrified, she managed to show comfort to another person who needed it.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“he saw me the way nobody else did. I”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“With Sofia, it felt like I’d finally found my compass. As long as I had her, I had someone to keep me grounded, someone to direct my way.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“Wherever this place called “The Shade” was, I had no allies. No”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I knew he was going to kiss me and if I were to be honest with myself, I wanted it to happen. But I pulled away.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“That night, just before I drifted off, I realized why. It was because I was certain that if I ever gave in to him in that way, if I surrendered to that kiss, I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from falling for him.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I was going to drive that stake through his heart to protect the woman I loved.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“I love you too much to leave everything hanging like this.”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire

“there was something different about Derek Novak. Even”
― Bella Forrest, quote from A Shade of Vampire


About the author

Bella Forrest
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