Quotes from Unholy Night

Seth Grahame-Smith ·  270 pages

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“Hug your children...Kiss your mothers and fathers, your brothers and sisters. Tell them how much you love them, every day. Because every day is the last day. Every light casts a shadow. And only the gods know when the darkness will find us.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“Prolonging death was akin to prolonging an orgasm. The closer you could bring the victim to the finish line without crossing it, the better it”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“If the wise men mounted their camels now, they could escape, no question. But Balthazar hadn’t ridden into Bethlehem to run. He’d come to kill every last one of them, or die trying.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“Nothing would surprise him. Nothing could anymore. But it didn’t matter. Even if it meant the most painful, hideous death a human being had ever experienced, they weren’t getting the baby, and they weren’t getting her. Twenty yards… He gripped the handle of his sword tightly…​breathed deep of the desert air. Okay, Balthazar…let’s die.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“I’m not interested in what you know,” said Herod. “I’m interested in watching you scream.”
“Then you’re going to be disappointed.” “We’ll see,” said Herod with a smile.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“Funny to get so close...only to have him ripped away again.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“The prophecy is clear, Your Highness. The Messiah shall topple all the kingdoms of the world. Even yours.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“Emotion is emotion, and politics is politics, and one has nothing to do with the other.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“Besides, there was no honor in betraying a loyal friend.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“The one thing people loved more than an outlaw was seeing him punished.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“A Strange Eastern Light “During the time of King Herod, Wise Men from the east came and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’” —Matthew 2:1”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“Either I’m right,” he continued, “and he doesn’t exist, or you’re right, and he’s the kind of God who watches children die. The kind of God who sits around while men like Herod build palaces and good people starve. Either way, he’s not worth worshipping.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“I didn’t like my father all that much,” said the admiral. “But before he died, he gave me a piece of advice. The only one that ever really made a difference in my life. ‘Hug your children,’ he said. ‘Kiss your mothers and fathers, your brothers and sisters. Tell them how much you love them, every day. Because every day is the last day. Every light casts a shadow. And only the gods know when the darkness will find us.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night

“Every service had a price. Every object a value. If someone made you a sword, you paid him the appropriate amount or traded something of equal value with him. If a man saved your life, you either paid him the amount you considered that life worth, or you saved his in return. Until either of those things was transacted, you were in his debt. It was business. And if Balthazar believed in anything with religious fervor, it was that.”
― Seth Grahame-Smith, quote from Unholy Night


About the author

Seth Grahame-Smith
Born place: in Rockville Center, New York, The United States
Born date January 4, 1976
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