Quotes from Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation

Matt Myklusch ·  480 pages

Rating: (5.4K votes)

“...the future is not written. It lies in the choices you make. Our future is ours to decide. Always.”
― Matt Myklusch, quote from Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation

“The 'bad guys' are the ones who are often misunderstood”
― Matt Myklusch, quote from Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation

“Imagination is ever changing and never static.”
― Matt Myklusch, quote from Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation

“I'm just a kid who would really love to no be dissected.”
― Matt Myklusch, quote from Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation

“You have to drive! You think I trust that big blue knucklehead to get us there?”
― Matt Myklusch, quote from Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation

― Matt Myklusch, quote from Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation


About the author

Matt Myklusch
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