Quotes from Dark Disciple

Christie Golden ·  336 pages

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“Remember…you always have a choice to be better. You always have a choice to…to pick the right path.” She smiled sadly. “Even if that choice comes a little late.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Cheers the spirit, humor does, even at the darkest times.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Ventress gave him a look that was so completely her, it tore him apart. “You don’t…tell me what to do, Idiot.” A small smile surprised him. “Never could,” he admitted. “Damn right.” Another bout of coughing racked her thin frame, and for a devastating, heart-scalding second Vos thought this would take her. But she continued. “I’m proud of you for…what you did over there. You chose loving me instead of hating him.” Her bloody-frothed lips curved in a smile. “Best choice you’ve ever made.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Your virtue is safe with me. Your discomfort is rather charming, actually, but I'm sure you'll get over it.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Please…please don’t…” “You must let me go, my love,” Ventress said, her voice so gentle, so tender, and she smiled lovingly. “It’s the Jedi way.” And she was gone.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“I wanted what we had. What we were going to have. Together. We had a future.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Yes. I had misgivings from the beginning about this entire enterprise. I still believe that sending a Jedi to assassinate a man was wrong. And I fear that I will likely lose not only a fellow Jedi Master, but someone I consider a friend, and we will have nothing to show for such a loss.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“me. That’s what it does. Nothing is ever enough. You get more, and more, but you’re never happy. It’s a trap baited with all the things you want most. That life—it’s not worth living.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“And you will forgive me too, one day, Asajj Ventress.” He hesitated, and took a breath. “That’s what you do for…for the one you love.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“And now, it’s too late, and I will never stop grieving that. But I’m on the path, Asajj. You bought my chance with blood, and I won’t waste it, I swear I won’t. Every day, every minute of my life, I’ll live it. For me, and for you. I’ll fight, because you can’t, and I’ll laugh, and I’ll do everything I possibly can with everything I have in me to make things better, because this galaxy has seen too much of darkness.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Each life, a flame in the Force is. Beautiful. Unique. Glowing and precious, it stands, to bravely cast its own small light against the darkness that would consume it.” Yoda”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“I am not your kind,” Vos said, his voice thick. “I do not feed off vengeance.” Truth was quiet. It did not need to shout or to demand. It simply existed. “I am a Jedi.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“There’s no way to phrase this other than bluntly. Master Vos—the Council wants you to assassinate Count Dooku.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Once you realized that everyone with whom you associated was, potentially, happy to literally stab you in the back, all the wondering just . . . went away.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Few do, at first. A small step, the one that determines destiny often is.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“The Jedi cultivated a practice of nonattachment, which had always served them well. Few understood, though, that while specific, individual bonds such as romantic love or family were forbidden, the Jedi were not ashamed of compassion. All lives were precious, and when so many were lost in such a way, the Jedi felt the pain of it in the Force as well as in their own hearts.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Sometimes it is a dark path we must tread so that long more for the light, we shall.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Many Jedi would raise eyebrows at the thought of meditating in a bar, but Vos had done it before.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“The Jedi cultivated a practice of nonattachment, which had always served them well. Few understood, though, that while specific, individual bonds such as romantic love or family were forbidden, the Jedi were not ashamed of compassion. All lives were precious, and when so many were lost in such a way, the Jedi felt the pain of it in the Force as well as in their own hearts. At”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Grieved are we all, to see so many suffer,” he said. “Courage, the youngling had, at the end. Forgotten, she and her people will not be.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Go ahead, spit it out,” she muttered. “You look…” Like a goddess of love and war and hope and ecstasy. Like a glimmering star that I have somehow been blessed to hold. Like the rest of my life. “…nice.” He wanted to kick himself. Ventress”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Impossible. Not after everything that’s happened.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Vos stretched out on the cot, but sleep would not come right away. The words he’d spoken kept running through his brain: What’s worse…to have unhappy stories, or to have no story at all? Vos had no answer.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Strange as it was, he understood there was grace and strength in this pain; a reminder of what should never be forgotten.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“Go ahead, spit it out,” she muttered.
“You look…”
Like a goddess of love and war and hope and ecstasy. Like a glimmering star that I have somehow been blessed to hold.
Like the rest of my life.
“…nice.” He wanted to kick himself.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“He frowned. “Jedi aren’t without emotion. We’re allowed to grieve.”
“Perhaps,” Ventress allowed, “but somehow I don’t think most Jedi try to drown the pain with alcohol and slam their fists on the table.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“though, was perched high inside the massive tower that was the centerpiece”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

“It will require you to forsake nearly everything that it means to be a Jedi. But you have already begun down that path, I think. Your grief over the deaths of the Krim family does not speak of nonattachment.”
― Christie Golden, quote from Dark Disciple

About the author

Christie Golden
Born place: in Atlanta Georgia, The United States
Born date November 21, 1963
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