Quotes from The Triplex

Lola St. Vil ·  0 pages

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“You have only one job as a human: Hold on. That’s it. When life gets terrifying, cruel and unbearable, hold on. Death will come soon enough.”
― Lola St. Vil, quote from The Triplex

“taught us at an early age that love is pain. I”
― Lola St. Vil, quote from The Triplex

“You have only one job as a human: Hold on. That’s it. When life gets terrifying, cruel and unbearable, hold on. Death will come soon enough.”
― Lola St. Vil, quote from The Triplex

“So long as there is breath in your body, nothing is that bad. Nothing. You must remember that.”
― Lola St. Vil, quote from The Triplex

“I did it because I love you. That doesn’t mean I’m good, it just means I’m weak.”
― Lola St. Vil, quote from The Triplex

“what no one tells you when you’re human is this: So long as there is breath in your body, nothing is that bad. Nothing. You must remember that.” “Okay.”
― Lola St. Vil, quote from The Triplex

About the author

Lola St. Vil
Born date April 21, 2018
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