Quotes from The Song of David

Amy Harmon ·  285 pages

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“The most intimate thing we can do is to allow the people we love most to see us at our worst. At our lowest. At our weakest. True intimacy happens when nothing is perfect.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Millie told me once that the ability to devastate is what makes a song beautiful. Maybe that’s what makes life beautiful too. The ability to devastate. Maybe that’s how we know we’ve lived. How we know we’ve truly loved.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Life isn't perfect,people aren't perfect, but there are moments that are.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“You can’t see a song. You feel a song, you hear a song, you move to it. Just like I can’t see you, but I feel you, and I move toward you. When you’re with me, I feel like I glimpse a David nobody else knows is there. It’s the Song of David, and nobody else can hear it but me.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“But it wasn’t. Sex is not the most intimate thing two lovers can do. Even when the sex is beautiful. Even when it’s perfect.” Millie drew a deep breath as if she remembered how perfect it had truly been. “The most intimate thing we can do is to allow the people we love most to see us at our worst. At our lowest. At our weakest. True intimacy happens when nothing is perfect. And I don’t think you’re ready to be intimate with me, David.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Saying something is “meant to be” is a cop out. It’s a way for people to deal when they screw up or when life hands them a bowl of shit stew. The things that are meant to be are the things we can’t control, the things we don’t cause, the things that happen regardless of who or what we are. Like sunsets and snow-fall and natural disasters. I’ve never believed hardship or suffering was meant to be. I’ve never believed relationships were meant to be. We choose. In large part, we choose. We create, we make mistakes, we burn bridges, we build new ones.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“The things that are meant to be are the things we can’t control, the things we don’t cause, the things that happen regardless of who or what we are. Like sunsets and snow-fall and natural disasters. I’ve never believed hardship or suffering was meant to be.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“But it was a road I hadn’t built, and I’m convinced you can’t ever be completely happy walking on someone else’s road. Someone else’s path.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“We can’t escape ourselves, Tag. Here, there, half-way across the world, or in a psych ward in Salt Lake City. I’m Moses and you’re Tag. And that part never changes. So either we figure it out here, or we figure it out there. But we still gotta deal. And death won’t change that.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“You're my miracle! The fact that you and I came together, that we met, that I found the love of my life. That's a miracle, Millie! I'm so grateful for that. So many people don't get that. We did. It's a miracle I was awake enough not to miss it. And it's a miracle you loved me back.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“You don’t ever disappear. You just change. You leave. You move on. But you never disappear. Even when you think you want to.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“If the world is too flat, people like me will slide right off.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Moses told me once that you can’t escape yourself. You can run, hide, or die. But wherever you go, there you’ll be.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Whenever you start feeling trapped or helpless, just close your eyes, and you have more space than you’ll ever need.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Falling is easier if you don't fight it.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“The ability to devastate. Maybe that’s how we know we’ve lived. How we know we’ve truly loved.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“But I watched Millie. I watched Millie because she fascinated me. She was a brand new species, an intoxicating mix of girl and enigma, familiar yet completely foreign. I’d never met anyone like her, yet I felt like I’d known her forever. And since the moment I’d looked down into her face and felt that jolt of ode-to-joy-and-holy-shit, I’d been falling, falling, falling, unable to stop myself, unable to look away, helpless to do the smart thing. And the smart thing, the kind thing would be to stay away. But no one had ever accused me of being particularly smart.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“But it was a road I hadn’t built, and I’m convinced you can’t ever be completely happy walking on someone else’s road. Someone else’s path. The way to true happiness is to forge your own, even if your road isn’t straight. Even if there are bridges to build and mountains to tunnel through. Nothing feels as good as paving your own way.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“I don’t know how,” I confessed, and I pulled my hand away so I wouldn’t hurt her in my frustration.
She grabbed my hand and brought it back, this time pressing it to her heart.
“I’m telling you how. You hold onto me. You trust me. You use me. You lean on me. You rely on me. You let me shelter you. You let me love you. All of you. Cancer. Fear. Sickness. Health. Better. Worse. All of you. And you’ll have all of me.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“I'm okay with death, Mo. I'm good with it," Tag said quietly. "But dying...dying is different. I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid of not being strong for the people who love me. I'm afraid of the suffering I will cause. I'm afraid of the helplessness I'll feel when I can't make it all better. I don't want to sit in a hospital bed, day after day, dying. I don't want Millie trying to take care of me. I don't want Henry watching me fade from giant to shadow. Can you understand that, Mo?”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“But there, in a little boat in Venice, as I watched the sun set—a fiery, hellish, red ball turning the water and sky into shades of heaven—my eyes had filled up with tears at the violent beauty of it all. In that moment, I realized I wanted to live again. For the first time in a long time, I was glad to be alive.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“If she looks like you, everyone will know you’re her dad,” Henry said, his voice perfectly level, his eyes solemn. “And that will make her happy.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“You can run, hide, or die. But wherever you go, there you'll be.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“I didn’t like pictures. Pictures rarely told the truth. They were like gold lacquer over Styrofoam, making things seem shiny and bright, disguising the fragility beneath. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still wasn’t worth a whole hell of a lot.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Statistically, athletes with solid family units have better stamina, more purpose, better mental health, and overall improved performance than athletes who are either divorced or unmarried.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“The things that are meant to be are the things we can’t control, the things we don’t cause, the things that happen regardless of who or what we are. Like sunsets and snow-fall and natural disasters. I’ve never believed hardship or suffering was meant to be. I’ve never believed relationships were meant to be. We choose. In large part, we choose. We create, we make mistakes, we burn bridges, we build new ones.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Sex is not the most intimate thing two lovers can do. Even when the sex is beautiful. Even when it’s perfect.” Millie drew a deep breath as if she remembered how perfect it had truly been. “The most intimate thing we can do is to allow the people we love most to see us at our worst. At our lowest. At our weakest. True intimacy happens when nothing is perfect.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“That was your second chance, and you repeated all your mistakes. You’ve shown your colors, and I don’t like the way you look in them. I don’t want you around.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“Pictures rarely told the truth. They were like gold lacquer over Styrofoam, making things seem shiny and bright, disguising the fragility beneath. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still wasn’t worth a whole hell of a lot.”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

“That’s why I go to the gym. I want to look like Tag,” he”
― Amy Harmon, quote from The Song of David

About the author

Amy Harmon
Born place: in Neverland, The United States
See more on GoodReads

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