Quotes from The Pilgrimage

Paulo Coelho ·  226 pages

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“We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“We always have a tendency to see those things that do not exist and to be blind to the great lessons that are right there before our eyes.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“she wanted to dance with someone who would embrace her in the way she dreamed of since adolescence.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“It's a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“The boat is safer anchored at the port; but that’s not the aim of boats.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“The busiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid to fight the good fight.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“We always know which is the best road to follow, but we follow only the road that we have become accustomed to.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“Have pity on those who are fearful of taking up a pen, or a paintbrush, or an instrument, or a tool because they are afraid that someone has already done so better than they could…”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“Once a problem is solved, its simplicity is amazing.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“I wept because I was re-experiencing the enthusiasm of my childhood; I was once again a child, and nothing in the world could cause me harm.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“When we both experienced the love that consumes, we shared in the Absolute. The Absolute shows each of us who we really are; it is an enormous web of cause and effect, where every small gesture made by one person affects the life of someone else. This morning, that slice of the Absolute was still very much alive in my soul. I was seeing not only you but everything there is in the world, unlimited by space or time.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“We are always trying to convert people to a belief in our own explanation of the universe. We think that the more people there are who believe as we do, the more certain it will be that what we believe is the truth. But it doesn't work that way at all.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“It has been said that there is no such thing as coincidence in this world.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“What people regard as vanity—leaving great works, having children, acting in such a way as to prevent one's name from being forgotten—I regard as the highest expression of human dignity.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body. Many times in our lives we see our dreams shattered and our desires frustrated, but we have to continue dreaming. If we don't, our soul dies, and agape cannot reach it.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“A disciple...can never imitate his guide's steps. You have your own way of living your life, of dealing with problems, and of winning. Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“The Good Fight is the one that we fight in the name of our dreams.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“When in doubt, just take the next small step”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“When we want something, we have to have a clear purpose in mind for the thing that we want. The only reason for seeking a reward is to know what to do with that reward”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“الله ليس انتقاماً. الله محبة. و عقابه الوحيد يقوم على ارغام من عرقل عمل الحب بإعادة البناء.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“When I asked you if you wanted to, I was not testing your courage. I was testing your wisdom.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“فلأنك كنت أسير الماضي ؛ فشلت و أضحيت تخاف من هزيمة جديدة”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“عندما يهبط الليل ، يُرجع معه كل المخاوف المختبئة في حنايا أنفسنا منذ الطفولة”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“لا يحتاج المرء إلى تسلق الجبال ، ليعرف أنها عالية”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“we who determine how quickly time passes.”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

“الأحلام الميتة تواصل تعفّنها فينا ، وإفساد جونا كله”
― Paulo Coelho, quote from The Pilgrimage

About the author

Paulo Coelho
Born place: in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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