Quotes from Still Missing

Chevy Stevens ·  352 pages

Rating: (53.8K votes)

“You can be as happy as you've ever been in your life, and shit is still going to happen. But it doesn't just happen. It knocks you sideways and crashes you into the ground, because you were stupid enough to believe in sunshine and roses.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“I hate them for not being in pain like me, hate them for being able to enjoy themselves. Hate myself for feeling that way.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“I'm in a weird-ass mood today, Doc. Wired up, mind all over the place, looking for answers, reasons something solid to cling to, something real, but just when I think I've got it figured out and neatly filed under fixed instead of fucked, turns out I'm still shattered, scattered, and battered. But you probably already knew that, didn't you?...You might not be able to help me. That makes me sad, but not for me. It makes me sad for you. It must be frustrating for a shrink to have a patient who's beyond fixing. That first shrink I saw when I got back to Clayton Falls told me no one is a lost cause, but I think that's bullshit. I think people can be so crushed, so broken, that they'll never be anything more than a fragment of a whole person. (129)”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“Time only counts when you have a purpose”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“There are all these books that say we create our own destiny and what we believe is what we manifest. You're supposed to walk around with this perpetual bubble over your head thinking happy thoughts and then everything is going to be sunshine and roses. Nope, sorry, don't think so. You can be as happy as you've ever been in your life, and shit is still going to happen. But it doesn't just happen. It knocks you sideways and crushes you into the ground, because you were stupid enough to believe in sunshine and roses. (99)”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“It's an old church and smells like a museum - in a good way, a survived-lots-of-shit-and-still-standing kind of way. Something about the stained-glass windows works for me too. If I were to get all deep on you, I could say the idea of all those broken pieces being made into something so damn pretty appeals to me. Good thing I'm not that profound. (54)”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“That first shrink I saw when I got back to Clayton Falls told me no one is a lost cause, but I think that’s bullshit. I think people can be so crushed, so broken, that they’ll never be anything more than a fragment of a whole person.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“I'm in a weird-ass mood today, Doc. Wired up, mind all over the place, looking for answers, reasons something solid to cling to, something real, but just when I think I've got it figured out and neatly filed under fixed instead of fucked, turns out I'm still shattered, scattered, and battered. But you probably already knew that, didn't you?...You might not be able to help me. That makes me sad, but not for me. It makes me sad for you. It must be frustrating for a shrink to have a patient who's beyond fixing. That first shrink I saw when I got back to Clayton Falls told me no one is a lost cause, but I think that's bullshit. I think people can be so crushed, so broken, that they'll never be anything more than a fragment of a whole person. (129)”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“I think people can be so crushed, so broken, that they'll never be anything more than a fragment of a whole person.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“Sorry I missed our last session, but I saw my mother and I needed some time to pick myself back up off the floor. You know, it's funny, but the night after I saw her I really wanted to sleep in the closet. I stood outside it for the longest time with my pillow in hand, but I knew opening that door would be going backward, so I lay back down on my bed and conjured up your office in my mind. I told myself I was resting on your couch and you were watching over me. That's how I fell asleep. (324)”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“You’re supposed to walk around with this perpetual bubble over your head thinking happy thoughts and then everything is going to be sunshine and roses. Nope, sorry, don’t think so. You can be as happy as you’ve ever been in your life, and shit is still going to happen. But it doesn’t just happen. It knocks you sideways and crushes you into the ground, because you were stupid enough to believe in sunshine and roses.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“Mama nunca entenderia que la falta de afecto equivale a un maltrato.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“The one thing I could never seem to shut out was my ache for simple, affectionate touch. I never knew how essential it was to my well being .”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“nothing says class like a girl in a satin bridesmaid dress swilling beer out of the bottle—”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“I hate them for not being in pain like me, hate them for being able to enjoy themselves. Hate myself for feeling that way.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“Mom would never get that lack of affection is abuse”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“Sometimes when I cant sleep, I get up and eat peanut butter straight out of the jar with a spoon”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing

“Le persone fanno da sempre cose orribili a quelli che amano.”
― Chevy Stevens, quote from Still Missing


About the author

Chevy Stevens
Born place: Canada
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