Quotes from Scars

Cheryl Rainfield ·  248 pages

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“Other times, I look at my scars and see something else: a girl who was trying to cope with something horrible that she should never have had to live through at all. My scars show pain and suffering, but they also show my will to survive. They're part of my history that'll always be there.”
― Cheryl Rainfield, quote from Scars

“You can see when someone's been hurt the way I was. It's obvious. Something changes in their eyes; pain becomes their center, even when they try to hide it.”
― Cheryl Rainfield, quote from Scars

“You don't deserve the anger you're turning on yourself. Your abuser's the one who does.”
― Cheryl Rainfield, quote from Scars

“I think you've got to get out whatever's hurting you through your art, so it doesn't twist you up inside.”
― Cheryl Rainfield, quote from Scars

“I know you're upset, I know you're scared, but don't walk away.”
― Cheryl Rainfield, quote from Scars

“You can see when someone's been hurt like I was. It's obvious. Something changes in their eyes; pain becomes their center, even when they try to hide it.”
― Cheryl Rainfield, quote from Scars

“Self-Injury Awareness Day is on March 1, worldwide.”
― Cheryl Rainfield, quote from Scars


About the author

Cheryl Rainfield
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