Quotes from Quest Study Bible: NIV

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“Creation offers proof (for those willing to accept it) of a powerful “Someone” behind the natural world. The astronomical odds against this world happening merely by chance provide insurmountable evidence for a Creator. The intricate beauty and complex design of the creation—from subatomic particles and the molecular building blocks of life to galaxies and the expanses of the universe—demonstrate that a “Designer” planned it all.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“Jehu, king of Israel from 841–814 BC, had engineered the slaughter of the descendants of Ahab at Jezreel in fulfillment of the prophecies of Elijah (1Ki 21:21; 2Ki 10:1–11). So Jezreel had become a picture of judgment as well as a warning to heed God’s prophets.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“37“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“10So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“What does it mean to have faith? (11:1) In the Bible, faith is always tied to an active trust in God and his Word. For the believer, there is no such thing as “blind faith.” Faith is the sensible response to the revealed will of God and the privileges he has promised his people. Biblical faith does not mean that people can believe in any unlikely thing and God, in response, must bring it to pass. In other words, faith that is not directly attached to God’s Word is merely positive thinking. At its core, faith—trusting God—is how people access the salvation God has provided in Christ Jesus. Abraham, the father of all who have saving faith (Ro 4:16), believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness (Jas 2:23). Faith is not righteousness, but it is how we access Jesus’ saving righteousness—something we could never access on our own (Eph 2:8). Faith, God’s gift to his followers (Eph 2:8), is fortified by paying careful attention to the Bible and practicing the spiritual disciplines. Romans 10:17 says, Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Throughout the Christian life, faith continues to be how believers receive the privileges and necessities for serving Christ. We trust God to give what he has promised—whether it is gifts and abilities to do the work of Jesus in the world and in our own hearts (Jn 14:12–13) or whether it is carrying us through our spiritual journey and into our eternal home in heaven.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“Giving should be an act of stewardship. God is the source of everything we have (Jn 3:27; 1Co 4:7; 12:7–11), so in a sense we own nothing but are only stewards of what is rightfully God’s (1Pe 4:10). • Giving should be an act of worship (Ro 12:1). • Giving should be proportionate (1Co 16:1–2). • Giving should be voluntary (2Co 8:1–5, 11–12; 9:2). • Giving should be planned (2Co 9:3–5). • Giving should be cheerful (2Co 9:7). • Giving should be generous (2Co 8:2; 9:5, 11, 13).”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“ [?] Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind† and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on† toward the goal to win the prize† for which God has called† me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“In what ways can people experience God today? (4:8–10) In some respects, experiencing God is like experiencing air. We rarely think about air, yet our lives are fully dependent on its unseen presence. It’s the same with God: although we may ignore God (Isa 1:2–4; 17:10), deny his existence (Ps 14:1) or even be ignorant of who he is (Ac 17:22–23, 30), we remain as connected to God as a fish is connected to the water in which it thrives. However, people certainly do experience God on many different occasions and in many different ways: seeing the power of creation (Ps 29:1–11); experiencing the warmth of a caring community (Gal 6:2); being the recipient of specific acts of kindness (Eph 4:32); hearing the testimonies of others (Mt 5:13–16); observing God’s work in the lives of others (1Th 1:2–10); having dreams or visions (Da 7:1–8:27); reading the words of Scripture (Ps 119:1–176); observing miracles or mighty wonders (Jn 12:20–33); or having direct interaction with the divine presence of God (Ex 33:1–23). Some of these are fairly common experiences, while others happen only occasionally or under special circumstances.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“21In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple† in the Lord. 22  [?] And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.†”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“Jesus doesn’t call people to childish behavior but to childlike faith. The qualities of humility, trust, receptivity and a lack of self-sufficiency all characterize the person of faith. The kingdom of God is not earned by human effort but is received in childlike trust as a gift of the mercy and grace of God.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

“19Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.”
― quote from Quest Study Bible: NIV

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