Quotes from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

Fannie Flagg ·  347 pages

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“being a successful person is not necessarily defined by what you have achieved, but by what you have overcome.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“I’m telling you, Dena, when you live long enough to see your children begin to look at you with different eyes, and you can look at them not as your children, but as people, it’s worth getting older with all the creaks and wrinkles.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“They say the truth can set you free, but sometimes it can really depress the hell out of you.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Your mother formed an incorrect opinion of you and, naturally, you agreed with her. Children always think their parents are right. But in this case, your mother was entirely wrong. Think about it. Your mother is an overpowering individual,”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“You may not be the person your mother wants you to be, but you are you. Our job here is to try and separate the wheat from the chaff and figure out who you are and not who your mother thinks you are.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“He had been told that in America, if you worked hard, anything was possible.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Whom the heart first loves does not know or care if they are related by blood.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“and Lenore had served each child several cups of the Simmons eggnog, which was 75 percent rum and 25 percent nog. When they came to pick the children up, all four were stumbling around her living room in a drunken stupor.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“she had learned that being a successful person is not necessarily defined by what you have achieved, but by what you have overcome.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“and now i know i'm not myself. how can i ever be myself again? i was never myself in the first place!”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Remember, Sookie, nothing says more about a family than good silver and real pearls. The rest is just fluff.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“she had learned that being a successful person is not necessarily defined by what you have achieved, but by what you have overcome. And”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Churches were shut down and Stanislaw’s father and three uncles had been sent to prison camps for speaking out.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Harris had done exactly what he had been told to do by the sexy dame from Oklahoma. After he had removed all of his clothes, he smirked at her. "Will I do?" Willy, still fully dressed in her steel-tipped cowboy boots, smiled and said, "Oh, yes. Come here, big boy." As soon as he got close enough, she hauled off and kicked him as hard as she could, and Harris fell to the floor, clutching his pride and joy and screaming in pain. Willy calmly strolled over and picked up his shoes and all of his clothes and threw them out the twenty-second-floor window. She left him lying on the floor, naked and writhing in agony. Willy never told a soul what she had done, but she figured it was the least she could do for Fritzi.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“and into the small Danish town of Solvang. Sure enough, there were windmills everywhere. She had never been to Europe, but she felt like she was there. The driver, who had the address, went through town and made a right turn on Alisal Road and drove about three blocks, and there was the sign, RANCHO ALISAL ESTATES. A”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“They always said, that once you've been to Milwaukee, you're never the same.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“raging across Europe. Every night, families sat glued to the radio, listening to the news of Poland. Most still had relatives”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“When you live long enough to see your children begin to look at you with different eyes, and you can look at them not as your children, but as people, it’s worth getting older with all the creaks and wrinkles.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Hello... is this Mrs. Fritzi Bevins?'
'Yes, it is.'
'From Pulaski, Wisconsin?'
'Uh... you don't know me, but I recently received some papers. From Texas. And, well... I think I might be your daughter?'
There was a long silence on the other end, and then after a moment, the woman in a softer voice said, 'Hiya, pal. I've been waiting for this call for a long time.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Au bout d'un parcours cahoteux, l'appareil décolla et elle ressentit quelque chose d'extraordinaire. Le rugissement du moteur se transforma en bourdonnement et elle eu l'impression de flotter. Lorsqu'elle rouvrit les yeux, ils avaient pris de l'altitude et le monde en dessous avait changé de taille. Rassemblés devant la clôture, toute la famille agitait la main et rapetissait sans cesse. Puis Billy survola la ville direction Milwaukee.
Pour Fritzi, ce fut une révélation.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Lenore had pushed her into had been a complete disaster.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“You may not be the person your mother wants you to”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“I don’t know. I just feel all wicky-wacky. I’m just thrown for a loop and back. I can’t even think about what to do.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“No matter how many times Dena had tried to tell her, Sookie had never understood what a great gal she was on her own. She had been one of the funniest and best-liked girls on campus, but she had never quite believed it. Everybody seemed to love Sookie but Sookie. A”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“First, it is imperative that you create a private Sacred Space and set up an altar with a photo of yourself as a child, a candle, or anything else that speaks to you. I have a picture of the Dalai Lama and Oprah Winfrey.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion

“Sookie realized she really should have put her foot down when Ce Ce and James invited all their friends to bring their pets to the reception,”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion


About the author

Fannie Flagg
Born place: in Birmingham, Alabama, The United States
Born date September 21, 1944
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