Quotes from My Fair Godmother

Janette Rallison ·  320 pages

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“Courage is a fickle creature. Just as you need it, it often makes excuses and rushes out of the room.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Happy is entirely up to you and always has been.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Guys can smell desperation. It triggers an instinct in them to run far and fast so they aren't around when a woman starts peeling apart her heart. ”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Adults are constantly telling teenagers that it's what's on the inside that matters. It's always painful to find out that adults have lied to you.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Guys can smell desperation. It triggers an instinct in them to run far and fast so they aren't around when a woman starts peeling apart her heart. They know she'll ask for help in putting it back together the right way - intact and beating correctly - and they dread the thought of puzzling over layers that they can't understand, let alone rebuild. They'd rather just not get blood on their hands.

But sharks are different. They smell the blood of desperation and circle in. They whisper into a girl's ear, "I'll make it better. I'll make you forget all about your pain."

Sharks do this by eating your heart, but they never mention this beforehand. That is the thing about sharks.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Let me guess - you're Grumpy?'
He let out a humpf. ' And you would be too, if you'd just spent the last hour searching the forest for your wayward charge.' He walked even faster. 'We tell you to stay inside, we tell you not to talk to strangers. But oh no, you must be out singing to the animals as if the birds didn't do a fine enough job of it. And this after Queen Neferia has already tried to kill you thrice. [...] Which is why you are not to go shopping anymore, no matter how pretty the wares, remember?'
Oh, right.'
[...] when you looked at it that way, Snow White had to be pretty idiotic to keep falling for the same trick.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Aren't fairy godmothers supposed to be nice and make you feel better about yourself?

...No, you're confusing fairy godmothers with sales clerks.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Sometimes love not only lifts you to the ceiling, it also keeps your eyes there.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“One of us will just have to stay at the cottage to keep an eye on her.' [...]
Let's see if Widow Hazel wouldn't take her in during the day, maybe teach her something useful -'
No, remember when she learned how to knit? Now we're stuck wearing these dreadful hats.'
Not so loud! She'll hear you.'
In a lower voice one of the dwarfs said, 'H.A.T.S.'
Apparently Snow White didn't know how to knit or to spell.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“The only wishes that will ever change you are the kind that may, at any moment, eat you whole.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Fairy's side note: Even people who don't believe in magic really do.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Don’t worry, though, because Prince Hubert is very handsome and kind. That’s all you wanted in a boyfriend, wasn’t it?”

“No,” I said.

She raised an eyebrow. “It must be. If you had admired any other qualities you would have developed them in yourself, wouldn’t you?”

Which was really too much. I put my hands on my hips. “Aren’t fairy godmothers supposed to be nice and make you feel better about yourself?”

She rolled her eyes. “No, you’re confusing fairy god- mothers with sales clerks.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Many perfumes promise to lure men to women. None of them smell of motherhood. None of them proclaim the wearer to be tidy, thrifty, and sensible.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“It gave Jane a wicked sense of satisfaction that he’d noticed that aspect of her sister’s personality, but she tried not to sound too arrogant. “Savannah doesn’t worry about homework. Apparently they don’t care about your GPA when you apply for beauty school.”
“Beauty school, huh? I would have thought she’d already graduated valedictorian from there.”
Jane blinked at him in frustration.

Fairy’s side note: Adults are constantly telling teen- agers that it’s what’s on the inside that matters. It’s al- ways painful to find out that adults have lied to you.

Hunter shrugged. “I guess I shouldn’t have assumed you’d be like Savannah where math is concerned.”

Meaning: After all, you aren’t pretty like she is.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“I don't care what you Yanks say, cheese should not whiz.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“The problem was that I'd never worn a bikini before. My dad doesn't allow them. He thinks even one-pieces show too much skin and constantly suggests that Jane and I wear wet suits.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Neither of them noticed Jane for a moment, which was for the best, as Jane looked like parts of her had been ripped up and flung into the wind.

While Hunter smiled at Savannah, little pieces of Jane fluttered down to the parking lot. ...

She waded through the litter of her old self and climbed into the battered Taurus.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Vision is also a fickle creature. You can see an object a hundred times, a thousand times, and it remains unchanged. Then in one swift second you realize it has been changing all along and your eyes hid it from you.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“takes a moment to change everything. Savannah glanced at Jane, then smiled at Hunter. “I see you found my car.” “It’s just the hot rod”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Vision is also a fickle creature. You can see an object a hundred times, a thousand times, and it remains unchanged. Then in one swift second you realize it has been changing all along and your eyes hid it from you. Savannah”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Actually, I think I'm more into sleek-looking suits right now." I ran my fingers over the arm of his tuxedo and gave him an appraising stare. "You know, sort of that James Bond cool look.”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

“Fairy’s side note: Many perfumes promise to lure men to women. None of them smell of motherhood. None of them proclaim the wearer to be tidy, thrifty, and sensible. At least not in high school. Those traits become attractive much later on, when guys finally realize they’re not living somebody else’s life. So”
― Janette Rallison, quote from My Fair Godmother

About the author

Janette Rallison
Born place: Pullman, Washington, The United States
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