Quotes from Sign of the Moon

Erin Hunter ·  352 pages

Rating: (7.9K votes)

“Dovepaw made a mess of the hunting, true. But she ran to help a Clanmate in trouble when she had no idea what danger she would have to face on the other side of that bramble thicket. And when we couldn't get Icecloud out of the hole, she was quick to volunteer to be lowered down to help her, even though no cat really knew what might have been down there.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Sign of the Moon

“Destiny isn't a path any cat follows blindly. It is always a matter of choice, and sometimes the heart speaks loudest. Listen to your heart, because that's where your true destiny lies.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Sign of the Moon

“Destiny isn't a path that any cat follows blindly. It is always a matter of choice, and sometimes the heart speaks loudest.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Sign of the Moon

“You learned a good lesson about fighting as a team. Remember that no warrior needs to be a hero. The most heroic actions take more than one cat.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Sign of the Moon

“Yes, anything could happen at any time.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Sign of the Moon

“He has a roar like a lion,” some cat commented from behind Jayfeather. “Then I’ll call him Lion’s Roar,” Shy Fawn murmured proudly. No, Jayfeather thought. This is Lionblaze. Welcome, brother.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Sign of the Moon

About the author

Erin Hunter
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