Quotes from Crewel

Gennifer Albin ·  368 pages

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“Take the happiness you can, even if it's only a little.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Cormac and I have an understanding."
Erik raises an eyebrow. Clearly he's got the wrong idea.
"Don't worry. It's a death-threat thing.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Miss me?" he asks.
"It hasn't been that long," I remind him.
"I'm sure it's felt like a lifetime," he says, running his eyes down me. "Adelice, you are looking... malnourished."
"Cormac, you're looking overdressed.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“You're at my table," Cormac whispers in my ear.
"My dream come true," I reply.
"I'm sorry?" he says in a voice that dares me to repeat myself.
"I said, lead the way.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“So first of all, I'm sorry for leaving you. I wish I could prove to you that I fought to stay.
And finally Adelice, don't be sad for me. I'm free, and it is my sincerest wish that you will be as well.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“I asked once why we kept it if it was useless, and she told me that remembering the past is never useless.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Jost's lips crush into mine, and I reach out without thinking and pull him closer against me. My hand tangles in his hair, and the web shimmers around us. The rest of the world is perfectly still, but we are in motion, crumbling into one another.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Cormac's eyes eyes narrow. "She wasn't half the Spinster you are, Adelice."
"I'm half the person she was," I say with a shrug, barely keeping my voice steady. "So I guess it evens out.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“...that no matter how good their intentions, with absolute power comes corruption.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Take the happiness you can, even if it's only a little.”
― Gennifer Albin, Crewel”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“I knew we could never hide how special you are," he murmured against my hair.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“..., pero la idea de no regresar jamás a mi casa pesaba más que la posibilidad de viajar.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Una vez quise saber porque lo conservábamos si era inútil, y ella respondió que recordar el pasado nunca es inútil.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Cuando eres incapaz de tomar una decisión complicada por el bien de los demás, pones en peligro a todo el mundo.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Mantener el aspecto adecuado ha dejado de resultar glamuroso, ...”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Sé por experiencia que algunos secretos deben permanecer ocultos, incluso de las personas con la mejor de las intenciones.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Mis recuerdos son vívidos, pero borrosos en los extremos, como si empezaran a desvanecerse.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Mientras duermo borro y reconstruyo el mundo, y por la mañana trato de recordar cómo reconstruirme a mí misma.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Algunos datos carecen de sentido para nosotros porque hemos perdido el conocimiento correspondiente y con él las palabras y la realidad que describen.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“... las mentiras siempre sirven al propósito de alguien.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“Que haya normas contra algo no implica que desaparezca.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“¿Cómo cierras los ojos una vez que los has abierto?”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“No sobrestimes tu culpabilidad. La muerte es el único escape que tenemos.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“-Algunas cosas no deberían olvidarse.
-Los recuerdos nunca son inútiles.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“-Supongo que la venganza [para algunos] es más importante que la vida de una persona.
-Tampoco pases por alto el poder que tienen las obsesiones.”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel

“¿Es la desesperación callada el precio de la felicidad superficial?”
― Gennifer Albin, quote from Crewel


About the author

Gennifer Albin
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