Quotes from Chaysing Dreams

Jalpa Williby ·  373 pages

Rating: (195 votes)

“There will always be ups and downs, twists and turns in our lives. But we have to find the strength to keep moving forward. The past is done, it’s over, and you can’t change it. You can hold on to your memories and learn from them. Look at what’s in front of you, focus on your vision, and run toward it! Because when it’s all said and done, only you are in charge of your strength, your peace, and your happiness.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“I will not let them harm you. I will protect you 'till my last breath.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“Do you really want me to show you how you're pushing me, Tessnia? What you do to me?”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“Please don't look for me. You won't find me.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“One day, you’ll fall for somebody. At first, you’ll fight it, because you won’t understand. But when you do, Tess, you’ll know that he’s the one--the one you would die for.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“Be careful, if I didn't know better, I would think you're sounding jealous."
"Good thing you know better.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“You know, nice guys finish last, don't you?"
"I guess I'll finish last.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“Are we going to play some ball or are you two going to stand there and flirt all day?”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“If I find out that you went within even fifty feet of her, ever again, your ass is mine. Do I make myself clear?”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“Now remember, they say if two people go together to visit the Taj Mahal, that means they will always be together. Are you ready for that?"
"Guess I'm stuck with you then.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“Let me make it clear. There will be no repeat of that night. Absolutely not! Not ever, do you understand?”
"Who are you trying to convince, Tessnia? Me or you?”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“If you even think about touching her, I swear to God I will rip your heart out." - Chayse Pierce”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

“Not only are you my distraction, Tessnia, but you are my heart as well.”
― Jalpa Williby, quote from Chaysing Dreams

About the author

Jalpa Williby
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