Quotes from Ceaseless

Abbi Glines ·  195 pages

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“I knew then that I had never understood what humans called love. But if that was anything close to the power you held over me, then no wonder they searched for it so passionately."
I reached out and pulled him into bed with me. "You're going to be late."
"Why ?"
"Because after hearing that I can't let you leave until I've had my fill. Get naked, Dankmar.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“What if she never remembers?"

"Then you better make her fall in love with you, again."

"How did I do it the first time?"

"You let her in.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“I realised you owned me one night in this room. I was singing to you and you were sleeping. You made a little noise in your sleep like you were distressed and I panicked and ran to your side. You grabbed my arm in your sleep and pulled it up against your face and went back to sleep. I didn't want to ever move.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“This may be invading her privacy but I was Death, dammit. I should get some privileges”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“You’re going to fuck everything up if you act like some crazed guy with an infatuation. This is not the guy she fell in love with. She fell in love with dark mysterious Dank Walker. She fell in love with Death. Be that guy. Stop being this broken, pitiful, obsessed stalker dude.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“You're mine, Pagan Moore. You will always be mine.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“Maybe not this year or the next but one day they'd end up married. In this lifetime and every one after it. Just knowing that I'd get to watch them find each other and fall in love in every life made me smile.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“I stay out of sight and only whisper to you.
Words I can’t say. Words you don’t need to hear. Words I can’t keep from tangling my way.
Now, I can’t stand alone. I can’t ignore what I’ve been shown.
You’ve claimed me and I don’t care who knows. You’ve claimed me and I don’t care if it shows.
I’m weakened and I’m strengthened in your arms.
You’ve claimed me and I need to feel you close.
You stand wanting more than you could ever understand.
I stand helpless, needing to give in to your every command. Wanting to see you smile has consumed me and tied both my hands.
Nothing I offer could ever be worthy of your love.
It’s a miracle that you saw me and never ran.
I will spend my whole life trying to be the man you think I am.
Now, I can’t stand-alone. Now, I am under your influence. I can’t ignore what I’ve been shown.
You’ve claimed me and I don’t care who knows.
You’ve claimed me and I don’t care if it shows.
I’m weakened and I’m strengthened in your arms. You’ve claimed me and I need to feel you close.”
“You hold fire within your gaze.
It mesmerizes everyone you allow into your maze. I know nothing of your thoughts but I need to bask within the warmth of your rays. Nothing you do could ever be wrong. You’re forever perfect in every way.
Now, I can’t stand-alone. Now, I am under your influence.
You’ve taken over me and now, I can’t ignore what I’ve been shown. You’ve claimed me and I don’t care who knows. You’ve claimed me and I don’t care if it shows. I’m weakened and I’m strengthened in your arms.
You’ve claimed me and I need to feel you close.”

~ Dank Walker”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“We had our thing. It is a really good memory but now we're older. Things change.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“The one thing I’d learned was that having someone with you all the time did not take away the loneliness. You could be surrounded by people and be lonely. Something was missing. I could almost pinpoint it, but right when it was within my grasp I forgot; it just slipped away.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“Danger, Danger running cold
              Knowing but fearing just the same
               Death comes and yet you don’t let go
              Standing while it’s steel bands hold
              Don’t walk. Don’t walk where light can not shine
              You know the warning has been told
              It comes for what is mine and I know it will be so.
Let go, it’s all there is that’s left. Let go your sin has no wrath.
              Danger was Hell’s last request. 
              Let go it’s all there is that’s left. Let go your sin has no wrath.
              Forgiveness wasn’t given yet. Not yet. Not yet.
              No regrets.

~ Dank Walker”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“When a soul is created, so is its mate. In every lifetime those souls find each other. They complete the other’s destiny.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“Sleeping on it didn't make accepting it any easier. It seemed like a really bad dream.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“He was staring at her as if he’d just been gifted some rare jewel.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“I knew then that I had never understood what humans called love. But if that was anything close to the power you held over me, then no wonder they searched for it so passionately.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“She licked her lips nervously, “I’ve never been naked in front of someone before,” she admitted.
“Good,” I replied sitting up and reaching for her waist and pulling her to me. “You don’t have to get naked in front of me it you aren’t ready. But if you do then I will be a very, very happy man.”
Pagan laughed softly, “Actually you’ll be a very, very happy Death.”
I took a nip at her earlobe then whispered, “That’s right and right now Death is having very, very naughty thoughts about you. So please take off those sexy panties and crawl back in this bed with me.”
Pagan shivered in my arms, “That sure is a good way to ask.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“Dank- "Death can't help what fate decides”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“After we had sex?" I asked
Dank shook his head "No, Pagan, that was making love. Don't confuse the two”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“He wasn’t my type. He wasn’t safe. But I didn’t care.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“Get a grip and think this through. You’re Death, chill the fuck down.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“La expresión de su rostro me dio ganas de ir comprarle cinco ordenadores portátiles y todo lo que ella quería”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“—Cada momento que ha pasado contigo será borrado de sus recuerdos. No recordará su encuentro con La Muerte ni a tí rompiendo las reglas para salvarla. no recordará luchar por ti. No recordará la maldición que sufrió mientras estaba bajo el hechizo del espíritu vudú. Todo será lavado.

Si la quieres, Dankmar, entonces tienes que ganar su corazón del alma creada para ser su compañero. Sólo entonces será posible que puedas tenerla para siempre. Ella debe pasar esta prueba. —La Deidad.

—Confía en mí, Dank Walker sólo tengo ojos para ti.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“Estaba feliz de verme. No le sonreía a él. Me sonreía a mi.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

“Hiciste un pequeño sonido en tu sueño como si estuvieras angustiada y entre en pánico y corrí a tu lado. Me agarraste del brazo durante tu sueño y la pusiste contra tu cara y volviste a dormir. No quería moverme nunca.— Se puso de pie y se acercó a mi.

—Supe entonces que nunca había comprendido lo que los humanos llamaban amor. Pero que si se trataba de algo parecido al poder que tu tuviste en mi, entonces no era de extrañar que lo buscaran tan apasionadamente.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from Ceaseless

About the author

Abbi Glines
Born place: in Birmingham, Alabama
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