Quotes from Carter Reed

Tijan ·  285 pages

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“(Carter): "I've been protecting you since I joined the Mauricio family. You were why I joined them in the first place."

(Emma): "You did all that for me?"

(Carter): "I would declare war for you.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“You're mine, Emma. You always have been. I won't let you go.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“You did all of that for me?
I would declare war for you”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“You don't trust anyone, no one except Carter. Go to Carter. He'll take care of everything. He'll take care of you, Ems. I promise.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“This, This is what I wanted that night. I couldn't contain myself and I had to taste you, but tonight is the night I really have you. You're mine, Emma. You always have been.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“I was going to die. It was a matter of time.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“No matter what path Carter would take us, I’d go with him.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“I've been protecting you since I joined the Mauricio family. You were why I joined them in the first place.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“I knew it in my gut, like an anchor thrown into the ocean. The deeper it sunk, the more I knew. I was in love”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“Shit. He was perfect. And he was a killer.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“I saved her life!” Now I needed someone to save mine.”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“I’ve been protecting you since I joined the Mauricio family. You were why I joined them in the first place.” What?”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

“You did all of that for me?” “I would declare war for you.” He”
― Tijan, quote from Carter Reed

About the author

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