Quotes from Always

Kindle Alexander ·  280 pages

Rating: (4.4K votes)

“I'm glad I found you," Kane said quietly, stepping back as Avery stood.
"I think it was more like me finding you, handsome." For Kane, the sentimental memories were so strong; all he could do was stand there as they held their babies, thinking about their lives, their future,and his love for Avery.
"I can't imagine my life without you," Kane proclaimed sweetly.
"Good. I don't want you to.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I love you, Kane. Now let's go begin our always.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I love you, Avery. Always. You completed my life. You made me whole, gave me hope, made me a better man. For me, you were everything right in my life." - Kane Dalton”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I know you're meant for me. I know you're the other half of my soul. We are meant to be together. - Avery Adams”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I've told you so many times how much I love you. Please remember that every single day for the rest of your life. You are my everything, you hold my heart and carry my soul. You made my life better. My only regret was not meeting you sooner, so we could have had more time together in this life. - Avery Adams”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Make no mistake, I will romance you, Kane Dalton, just not now. Right now I need to fuck you.Fuck you hard, and soft, and then do it all over again." Avery ran his nose over Kane's ear and back into his hair, breathing him in as if Kane were his only life source. "Take off my jeans. Touch me. I
need to feel your hands on me. I crave your touch. Please.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I'm glad I found you," Kane said quietly, stepping back as Avery stood.
"I think it was more like me finding you, handsome." For Kane, the sentimental memories were so
strong; all he could do was stand there as they held their babies, thinking about their lives, their future,
and his love for Avery.
"I can't imagine my life without you," Kane proclaimed sweetly.
"Good. I don't want you to.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. ~ Honore de Balzac”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“We're gay, we're in love, and we're married. It's not wrong. We're not wrong!" - Avery Adams”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“You're my always. I love you so much. I'd do anything to see you this happy." - Avery Adams”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Kane could feel his soul being extracted from his body. His heart followed, no longer his own, but given to this man he didn't even know. In a matter of a few short minutes, he had become one with this man in front of him.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“It was interesting how much anguish the heart could take and still continue to beat.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Surprisingly, his legs held him upright. Although, he wasn't sure how long that would last. Instinctively, his hands went to his face, covering the flow of tears that erupted as his heart dropped from his chest and shattered into a thousand little pieces on the beige and honey-limestone floor of the waiting room. Pieces that Avery had held together, pieces that could never be put back right, pieces that would remain lost forever.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“No, this wasn't real! This couldn't be happening. They had so much planned, so many dreams still ahead of them. No…No! Kane could see the doctors and his family advancing on him. Could see their mouths moving, but no sounds penetrated his ears. Silence. Deafening silence consumed him. He became dizzy, confused, and he stepped back a step or two, needing air. He reached behind him, feeling for a chair. He needed something to steady himself, because he was sitting down, even if that meant on the cold hard hospital floor. Hard plastic met his hand, and he dropped into the seat, lowering his head between his legs as he gasped for breath. He couldn't pull enough air into his lungs. Did he even want to? He'd lost his everything; he'd lost his reason to live.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Daddy, I'm so sorry," Autumn said. He could hear the tears in her voice and accepted the hand trying to grip his. She was on her knees beside him, her tear-filled eyes searching his. Those were Avery's eyes, Autumn had Avery's eyes. He reached out, drawing her into his embrace.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I have no complaints about my life, Daddy. I had a great childhood. I was lucky," Robert declared. He paused in taking the conversation back to his father's current health. This was more discussion than they had had in a long time. Maybe his father had made a turn, perhaps the memories of something other than Avery would help him, spur him back into the world of the living. Robert took Kane's hand out of the blanket, holding it tightly until he linked their fingers together.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Take care of our family… Avery's last words to him echoed in his head.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Now, I can tell you're going to argue. But, Kane, it just makes sense. You don't have to give up your place. Keep it as long as you want, just stay at my house. We didn't even get Brian's key from him. It'll make me feel better. Besides, I already cleaned out drawers and closet space for you. The shoes you left over there are lonely for your other things." "I just met you," Kane said, not responding to his teasing.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Was he in any pain?" Kane asked and took a small drink from the water bottle Robert insisted he hold. "No, sir," Robert said. Kane nodded through the tears. "Good. I wouldn't want him in pain." Kane wiped at the tears that blurred his vision even as more tissues were shoved into his hand. "Has anyone called Kennedy?" "No, sir. I was waiting on you first," Robert answered, finally standing, but keeping Kane in a tight embrace against his side.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Is Dr. Connors seeing Autumn?" Kane asked. That made Robert smile. His father seemed so lifeless, but he had picked up on that even when Robert had completely missed the subtle signs. "Seems that way." Robert chuckled. "He's a good man. I like him.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I don't care. I like the idea of moments like this with you. Always," Avery said, nodding as he let the word sink in. "You fit me perfectly. And I knew you would. From the first minute I saw you, I just knew." Avery's words were packed full of the emotion churning through him. He kept his movements tender. "You get quiet when I say words like that. It makes me insecure." "I like what you're saying, it's just so fast," Kane whispered. "Amount of time doesn't matter. Let's do this, see where it goes," Avery said, staring intently down at him. Kane finally nodded, and relief caused Avery to tighten his grip on the man.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“I had fun tonight," Kane said. Avery reached down and linked their fingers before using the space between their palms to push the gear in place, apparently unwilling to let go of Kane for any length of time. "Me too," Avery said to Kane's snore. He drove slower than normal all the way home, taking care of his precious cargo that apparently had sinus problems tonight based on the soft snores growing in intensity.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Kane wasn't sure he could do this. Avery had been his lifeline, his world, and now he was left to deal with the aftermath—the press, the questions, their children—alone. He would go back to their house, to the life he and Avery built together…alone.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Kane had agreed to come back to his place tonight after work. Avery took nothing for granted where Kane was concerned and would ask to make sure Kane came back every night. He'd never just come on his own. Avery mentally frowned and then wondered if the look had crossed his face as the speaker faltered in his lecture. He couldn't help the facial faux pas, every time he thought about Brian showing up at Kane's place, completely unannounced, it thoroughly pissed him off.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Not only was nothing talked through, they also had this monumental Senate race looming over them that Avery hadn't mentioned one word about. Quiet, reserved Kane Dalton, who was shunned by his family for being gay, wasn't just going to easily jump on board with this.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“Avery was such a good man and had spent so much time in this very hospital where Robert worked as a cardiothoracic surgeon and Sophia was now the chief of staff. Avery had been so proud of his son. He'd been so proud of both of their children.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“If he moved forward with this campaign, he'd have to be careful with Kane. Public opinion was still very clear on its perceptions of homosexuality. Would Kane hide? Did he even want to hide Kane? No, he didn't, not at all. He was too proud of having finally found him.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“His soul mate had left him, Avery was gone.”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always

“No one. I'm not seeing anyone," Robert said, sitting back on the chair, still holding Kane's hand. Having two gay fathers had made his own coming out incredibly easy. His grip tightened when he considered how accepted he'd always been in his life compared to many of his gay friends who still struggled to this day.  "There are lots of single professional men in this town, Son," Kane started, his voice raspy and low. "I know, Daddy. I'm not settling for just anyone, not until I find what you and Dad had," Robert said, stopping himself as sadness crossed his father's face. His eyes returned to that hollow look again. Damn, why had he said that?”
― Kindle Alexander, quote from Always


About the author

Kindle Alexander
Born place: in Dallas, The United States
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