Quotes from The Glass Sentence

493 pages

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“That is almost always the way with stories. True to their very core, even when the events and the people in them are different.”
― quote from The Glass Sentence

“Men may irritate women entirely by accident, but I believe they infuriate one another wholly by design.”
― quote from The Glass Sentence

“There can be no scholar without the heroic mind.”
― quote from The Glass Sentence

“To be connected to the world is a constant, difficult labor.”
― quote from The Glass Sentence

“Some things (and people) go elsewhere and soon return. Others go elsewhere and appear to want to stay. In those cases, the only solution for the very determined is to find them: to go elsewhere and bring them back.”
― quote from The Glass Sentence

“She was one part melancholy kindness, two parts mysterious unease.”
― quote from The Glass Sentence

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