Quotes from Where Love Finds You

Marilyn Grey ·  158 pages

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“Sometimes when you take chances you lose chances. And sometimes when you lose chances, you gain something else. Don't live for chances. Sometimes it's better to lose chance and gain purpose. Live for today. You'll find so much more joy.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“My dream is every day. When I wake up, I want to find something new. Something beautiful about each day I'm given. I want to take the cards I'm given and play them with a smile, not to win, just to play.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“Hope doesn't need to come tomorrow, it can come right now.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“But if you keep trying to fix the past and plan your future, you will never live today.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“So many people, so many chances to find love, why did I have to believe in only one person?”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“If you want something, get it. If you like someone, show it. If your sad, cry. Happy, smile. no point in hiding things and pretending to be one thing when your really another.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“We wanted to find love, stay in love, and evolve with love, and we'd waited forever to find the one person who would make that journey the best adventure it could possibly be.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“They believe that life is filled with a bunch of choices and we just have to pick good, better, or best. We can settle for good, or we can wait around hoping for the best and end up single until we're fifty.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“Choices are one thing, though. And in my humble opinion... Every choice I make will lead me to the one, at the right time. The only problem is I can't figure out how for sure when I've found the one. Did I already?”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“Two selfish people make miserable love story. One selfless person and one selfish person make an okay love story that may or may not continue depending on how selfless the one person is. But when two people are selfless... you will have the most beautiful love story in the world and it will only get better in time.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“I don’t believe that happily ever after means we never have disagreements or go through conflicts. What I do believe is that there is someone who is willing to stick through all of these things with me, because we love each other more than we love ourselves.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“Sometimes when you take chances you lose chances. And sometimes when you lose chances, you gain something else. Don't live for chances. Sometimes it's better to lose chance and gain purpose. Live for today. You'll find so much more joy.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“The best things come to those who wait.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“when you love someone more than you love yourself you will sacrifice your desires for them. You end up wanting them to be happy even at the cost of your own desires. Actually, your happiness becomes making them happy.”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

“How could I know he is the one? How could I know whether to let myself fall in love with him?”
― Marilyn Grey, quote from Where Love Finds You

About the author

Marilyn Grey
Born place: Philadelphia, The United States
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