Quotes from Wraithsong

E.J. Squires ·  328 pages

Rating: (537 votes)

“Though we can never be fully pure in body, we can be fully pure in heart. Half black, half white, half evil, half good, we are all the same, struggling to find our path in this seemingly never-ending chasm of darkness. And may we one day reach the light we so eagerly seek, knowing that the freedom from darkness may only come when we shine our own light upon others.”
― E.J. Squires, quote from Wraithsong

“In life, the test comes first, the lesson later.”
― E.J. Squires, quote from Wraithsong

“So many people suffer because they choose to suffer. Pain comes to us all, but suffering is a choice.”
― E.J. Squires, quote from Wraithsong

“Weak in body makes for weak in mind.”
― E.J. Squires, quote from Wraithsong

“Looks like you suck at volleyball just as much as you do at making late night phone calls.”
― E.J. Squires, quote from Wraithsong

“Looking down at my feet, he laughs a little, and then says, "Don't turn your toes outward like in ballet." I turn my toes straight forward. It feels awkward. Now make a fist and keep your hand close to your face." He shows me how. "You want your weight to be on the balls of your feet, not in your heels." "That's the only thing that comes naturally to me." I'm getting frustrated. This is hard work.”
― E.J. Squires, quote from Wraithsong

About the author

E.J. Squires
Born place: in Asker, Norway
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