Quotes from Wayward

Blake Crouch ·  298 pages

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“Never assume you know where someone else is coming from.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“If I wanted to bring you down, David, I could’ve done that months ago.” “If I wanted you dead, Agent Hassler—you and everyone you love—there is nothing in the world stopping me from making that happen. Not from prison. Not from the grave.” “So we’ve established trust,” Hassler said. “Perhaps. Or at the very least, assured mutual destruction.” “No difference in my book.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“If you look out at nature, you find that as you tend to see suspended animation, you tend to see immortality. GIST)”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“There are no rights anymore. No laws. Just force and fear.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“A millennium without air or light pollution made for pitch-black skies. The stars didn’t just appear anymore. They exploded. Diamonds on black velvet. You couldn’t tear your eyes away.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“We’re a part of something here, Mr. Burke. Something that matters. All of us.” “Here’s the thing, Marcus, and I don’t want you to ever forget it. Nobody fucking asked me or anyone in that valley if we wanted to be a part of this.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“In some environments, safety and truth are natural born enemies. I would think a former employee of the federal government could grasp that concept.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“The endorphin kick from the ping of a received text or a new e-mail.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Before I built a wall I’d ask to know what I was walling in, or walling out.’ Robert Frost wrote that.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“There was no end date for her sentence in this place. She was a lifer.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“I used to. When we were real people. When we could talk about the things in our hearts. You know this is the first real conversation I’ve had in years?”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“The world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Can’t do this.” There were tears in her voice now, her throat clogged with emotion.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“as he had? An abby streaked into the clearing. Then another. And another. A fourth. Fifth. No more. Please. No—A group of five joined the others. Then ten more. Soon there were twenty-five of them milling around the boulders in the shadow of that cliff. His heart fell. He crawled back”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Still he’d only missed his Bronco by a few hundred feet.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“The punctuations of silence weren’t completely uncomfortable. Ethan was beginning to understand that in Wayward Pines these periods of shared quiet were normal, expected, inevitable. Some people, by nature, were better at surface conversation than others. Better at walking the line, steering clear of forbidden topics. There was much more thinking before speaking. Like living in a novel of manners.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“At least there was another human being to share the weight of this crushing knowledge.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“As you’ll find with your son soon enough, letting go is the hardest, greatest thing we can do for them.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Given for me to confirm I had removed the chip. The first at 1400 on Day 5312. The next at 1500 on Day 5313. If I failed to remove the chip by Day 5313, we would have no further interaction.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“She could envision a lifetime spent trying to create such flashes of connection.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Before I built a wall I’d ask to know what I was walling in, or walling out.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Unter gewissen Umständen schließen Sicherheit und Wahrheit einander aus.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Du kannst werden, was immer du willst. Was du dir auch in den Kopf setzt. Folge einfach deinem Herzen und lebe deine Träume." - Die guten alten Plattitüden einer ausgestorbenen Spezies.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“But like every important, defining moment in his life, it had all roared by too fast.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“It was nothing more than a beautiful prison, run by a psychopath.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“Oh, you mean so we can coexist? What kind of let’s-hold-hands hippie shit are you suggesting?”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

“A sword and a shotgun lay across brackets in the wall, the rhinestones that covered them glittering under the overhanging lightbulb. Ethan startled.”
― Blake Crouch, quote from Wayward

About the author

Blake Crouch
Born place: Statesville, NC, The United States
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