Quotes from The Orphan Queen

Jodi Meadows ·  391 pages

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Try to be polite."
"I'm always polite."
"You're always eyeing people's valuables. That's hardly polite.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“The pain of what happened – it won’t last eternity.” A lie. I knew very well how pain could last, and fester, and shape a person in unnameable ways.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Oh, nameless girl. When will you learn to trust me?”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“What do you enjoy doing?”
Forgery? “Writing letters. Drawing.” Picking locks? “Puzzles.” Fighting? “Sewing.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“I was there was the war began. And when it ended.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Authenticity was the key to any deception.
Sometimes authenticity was disgusting.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“I was going to have to face the man who'd destroyed my kingdom, and the boy who was the reason.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“If I were going to fight and steal, It`d be because I had no choice. It would be for survival.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Taking me out to robberies, bar fights, and wraith houses isn't enough for you anymore? I though we were happy."
"Only the best for you, my lady.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“I narrowed my eyes. I don't trust you.
I don't trust you,either.
So we don't move.
Ever? He met my eyes again,and searched me.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“I wasn't concerned, but I was thinking that the fastest way to get your mind off him and on me would be to tell you something truly appalling about him.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“You're so optimistic. It's not what I expected from a vigilante who calls himself Black Knife."
"Well, I considered Optimistic Knife, but I didn't think anyone would take it seriously.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“The Ospreys, these children, were my life. Without them, I had nothing. But with them… With them, I would take back my kingdom.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“The pain of what happened – it won’t last eternity.”
A lie. I knew very well how pain could last, and fester, and shape a person in unnameable ways.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Yes, I leaned toward desperate danger; I would do anything for my people.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Liadia broke the Wraith Alliance.”
Black Knife stilled. “How do you know that?”
“A refugee told me.”
“I didn’t ask for a name. I didn’t want you to go after anyone, if you found out.”
He tilted his head a fraction. “You don’t trust me?”
“Of course not. You’re a vigilante.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“A queen who wouldn't take risks for her people wasn't worthy of being a queen at all.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“I, Patrick Lien, son of General Brendon Lien, do hereby swear my life to helping Princess Wilhelmina Korte reclaim her kingdom, no matter the cost.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“I like the way you fight."
Was that a compliment?
"It's very efficient. Who taught you?"
"Your grandmother."...
"That seems unlikely. My grandmother preferred sewing to fighting.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“James said you called yourself a nameless girl... Oh, nameless girl... When will you learn to trust me?"
I turned my hand over to find the Black Knife mask.
My heart tumbled and twisted. "You?" Tobiah was Black Knife?”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Don't go to the wraithland," he said. "It's too dangerous."
I smirked. "Why, Black Knife. You almost sound worried."
"It's not your responsibility... It should be a worldwide effort, not just the effort of one girl pretending to be a boy.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Wishing has never changed anything for me.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“If you wear smiles like armor-
If you put on personalities like clothes-
If you can't show the world all that you are-
This book is for you.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Well. That was bound to be a loving marriage with no problems whatsoever.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“Come with me. Help me tonight. Help me save others. - Black Knife”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“It wouldn't be a ball if someone didn't take it upon themselves to be wildly inappropriate. - Wil”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

“The mirrors were an expensive superstition.”
― Jodi Meadows, quote from The Orphan Queen

About the author

Jodi Meadows
Born place: in Austin, The United States
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