Quotes from Two Truths and a Lie

Ashley Stoyanoff ·  256 pages

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“It seems like hours pass, both of us staring into each others eyes. I have no idea what she sees that holds her, but I can't look away either. She's giving me the look again, the one that makes me feel like a superhero.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

“Calm down? Calm done! What is it about those two words that make the fury inside me burn hotter? It's as though a match is lit, setting every muscle, every nerve ending in my body, in flames. Calm down. Those simple words cause an entirely different response in a person than they should.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

“There’s just something about this girl, small, sweet looking, innocent smile.  It makes you want to protect her, slay dragons and lay their heads at her feet.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

“Oh my God. I didn't. I couldn't have. No. no, no. Holy Crap, I did. I just shot Jason Pierce in the chest with a taser.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

“She looks at me as though she wants to both devour and strangle me. I chuckle softly. She’s fucking adorable.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

“If you want to make a lie believable, you gotta weave it with the truth.”

My brows furrow, confused by the comment. “What?”

“Two truths and a lie, babe,” he says. “Makes the lie harder to pick up on.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

“Hey,darling", I say quietly, my voice gruff and low, thick with emotion. "You lost?" She blushes.Duck, I've missed that blush. "Um ...yeah, I did." I chuckled.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

“For a moment, I find myself fighting the urge to glance around and make sure no one is staring, but then, his eyes come back to mine and he smiles, and good God, but that smile has my stomach doing flip-flops and my brain stuttering.”
― Ashley Stoyanoff, quote from Two Truths and a Lie

About the author

Ashley Stoyanoff
Born place: in Canada
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