Quotes from Tramp for the Lord

Corrie ten Boom ·  192 pages

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“He uses our problems for His miracles. This was my first lesson in learning to trust Him completely...”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“God has plans—not problems—for our lives.”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“Conny and I stood in line, along with other people, outside Checkpoint Charlie, the gate for foreigners into East Berlin. Many of those in line were Dutch, and I saw they were being passed without difficulty. Everything seemed routine: Hand your passport to a guard, walk down the line, and receive your passport back with a stamp that allowed you to spend the one day in East Berlin. I hoped it would be as easy for us when it was our turn to be checked. Finally we were in front of the window. The guard looked at our passports, looked in a book and then turned and said something to another man behind him. “Is there a problem?” I asked the man. He turned and gave me a stern look. “Come with”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“Forgiveness is the key which unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness. The forgiveness of Jesus not only takes away our sins, it makes them as if they had never been.”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“When He tells you to love your enemies, He gives you the love that He demands from you.”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“What I spent, I had; what I saved, I lost; what I gave, I have.”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“Many persons make the mistake of thinking they can measure the certainty of salvation by their feelings. It is the Word of God that is their foundation and therefore it is essential for the new convert in Christ to have a practical knowledge of the Bible. More than anyone else it is the new convert who will come under the fire of the enemy.”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“The minister spoke in a well-modulated voice. Then we joined in singing. I could not help but make comparisons: the dirty prison dormitory, infection-ridden and filthy, the beds full of lice, and now this. Clean sheets and pillow cases and a spotless floor. The hoarse voices of the slave drivers and the mature, melodious voice of the minister. Only the singing was the same, for we had sung at Ravensbruck. Singing was one of the ways we kept up our courage.”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

“Happiness is not dependent on happenings, but on relationships in the happenings.”
― Corrie ten Boom, quote from Tramp for the Lord

About the author

Corrie ten Boom
Born place: in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Born date April 15, 1892
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