Quotes from The White Rose

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“We read history in order not to have to repeat it.”
― quote from The White Rose

“We read history in order not to have to repeat it. When I”
― quote from The White Rose

“Sophie had been chiefly concerned in those days whether her mother would be able to bear the ordeal of losing two children at the same moment. But now, as Mother stood there, so brave and good, Sophie had a feeling of sudden release from anxiety. Again her mother spoke; she wanted to give her daughter something she might hold fast to: "You know, Sophie - Jesus." Earnestly, firmly, almost imperiously, Sophie replied, "Yes, but you too." Then she left - free, fearless, and calm.”
― quote from The White Rose

“Do not forget that every people deserves the government it is willing to endure!”
― quote from The White Rose

“When, when will the state finally recognize that it has no higher duty than to safeguard the happiness of the millions of ordinary people? When finally will the state forget about the ideals that ignore the needs of simple everyday life? And when will it understand that a small step, however difficult it may be, taken in the direction of peace for the individual, as for nations, is greater than victory in battle?”
― quote from The White Rose

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