Quotes from The War of Mists

Robert Fanney ·  364 pages

Rating: (453 votes)

I would rather live than die. I would rather die than survive as a monster.”
― Robert Fanney, quote from The War of Mists

“The wolf was not far away. After only a short time, he crested a nearby hill. His eyes blazing yellow fire. Fierce. For his mistress called. There she knelt. Queenly and yet so wild. Arrow set to bow - spilling out a bloody light.
At the sight of her, passion filled him. It rose in his gut, swelled his chest, then burst out of his throat. It overwhelmed the air and beat against the starry roof. The howl filled the mounds, rang out through the Vale and then rolled into Minonowe.
She had called him and here was his answer.
The spiders were out there. Running. With Luthiel, he would hunt them.”
― Robert Fanney, quote from The War of Mists

About the author

Robert Fanney
Born place: The United States
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