Quotes from Northern Lights

Nora Roberts ·  637 pages

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“I don't kick a man when he's down, unless I'm the one who put him down in the first place. I don't put him down unless he deserves it. And I don't break my word if I give it. So I'll give you my word.”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights

“What are these?”
Meg looked at the rings of keys in Nate’s hand, deliberately furrowed her brow. “Those would be keys.”
“Why do you need so many keys?”
“Because there are so many locks? Is this a quiz?”
He jingled them in his palm while she continued to give him a sunny, innocent smile. “Meg, you don’t even lock your doors half the time. What are all these keys about?”
“Well… There are times a person needs to get into a place, and hey, that place is locked. Then she would need a key.”
“And this place that, hey, is locked, wouldn’t be the property of that person. Would that be correct?”
“Techincally. But no man is an island, and it takes a village, and so on. We’re all one in the Zen universe.”
“So these would be Zen keys?”
“Exactly. Give them back.”
“I don’t think so.” He closed his fist around them. “You see, even in the Zen universe I’d hate to arrest my wife for unlawful entry.”
“I’m not your wife yet, buddy. Did you have a search warrant for those?”
“They were in plain sight. No warrant necessary.”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights

“Heroism's just doing more than you want to do or think you can. Sometimes it's just doing the crappy things, the unhappy things other people won't do....It's not just jumping out of a plane onto a glacier ten thousand feet up because there's nobody else there to do it. It's getting out of bed in the morning when it seems like too much trouble.”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights

“Don't say hit and mountain in the same sentence.”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights

“He looked around when he heard a window-rattling roar. "Earthquake? Volcano? Nuclear war?"
"Beaver," Peter told him.
"I don't care if it is Alaska, you don't have beavers big enough to sound like that.”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights

“Is staying quiet an interrogation technique?"
"It can be. It can be also called listening.”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights

“but those mostly tourists or crazies. Man called Teek got himself stupid drunk”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights

“even high,” she said with a roll”
― Nora Roberts, quote from Northern Lights


About the author

Nora Roberts
Born place: in Silver Spring, Maryland, The United States
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