Quotes from Cross

James Patterson ·  393 pages

Rating: (48.1K votes)

“Beware the anger of a patient man.”
― James Patterson, quote from Cross

“Coimhead feara fhear na foighrde.

(Beware the anger of a patient man)”
― James Patterson, quote from Cross

“Three out of four voices inside my head say go for it.”
― James Patterson, quote from Cross

“The most striking thing about beautiful churches, to me, is that they were mostly designed by people who were inspired by a belief in something larger and more important than themselves, and this is how I try to lead my own life.”
― James Patterson, quote from Cross

“A vida é aquilo que acontece quando se está ocupado a fazer outros planos”
― James Patterson, quote from Cross

About the author

James Patterson
Born place: in Newburgh, New York, The United States
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