Quotes from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

Gail Carson Levine ·  304 pages

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“Step follows step,
Hope follows Courage,
Set your face towards danger,
Set your heart on victory.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“Drualt took Freya's warm hand,
Her strong hand,
Her sword hand,
And pressed it to his lips,
Pressed it to his heart.
Come with me,' he said.
Come with me to battle,
My love. Tarry at my side.
Stay with me
When battle is done.
Tarry at my side.
Laugh with me,
And walk with me
The long, long way.
Tarry with me,
My love, at my side.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“I put my fingers around the unmarked ring of the spyglass and twisted. The scene became clear.
Oh no! A hairy brown spider clung to a vine! I couldn't go there!
I'd go to the desert to find a dragon. I began to reset the spyglass, but then I stopped myself. A spider was worse than a dragon?
My first monsters would be spiders, then.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“He stopped and took my hand. "If we die, or if I die..."
He was speaking of dying, and I couldn't stop smiling.
In the dark he must not have noticed, because he said in a rush, "I must tell you that I love you, and if I live I will ask for your hand, but you needn't say anything now if it distresses you, and I might rather die without knowing that you don't love me if that's how you feel."
I tried to speak, but nothing came. I had gained courage during my adventures, but not for this.
Too soft to hear, I whispered, "I do love you."
But he heard. He cupped his hand under my chin and tilted my face up so I had to meet his eyes. He was smiling too, with a smile as happy as mine. "Oh, Addie!" He leaned down to kiss me...”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“Luck was with me. I saw no spiders.
Luck was against me. I saw no specters.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“I was no hero. The dearest wishes of my heart were for safety and tranquility. The world was a perilous place, wrong for the likes of me.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“He -it- was a specter! I stepped back, stunned. ”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“Crying is part of the adventure”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“Food for thought requires a mind with teeth.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“I can see that. She is lovely, very different from you. Oh, my clumsy tongue." Vollys's bells clanged. "You are lovely too, but in a quieter way. In temperament I see that you are different as well. She could lead a charge, but you could last a siege. This is fascinating, little Adelina. The more I look at her, the more clearly I see you. You may be a worthier opponent than even my Willard was.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“…while the outside world was full of danger, I knew my interior. I was certain that I could oust an intruder there.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“Sorcerers believe that an action taken for the right reasons has an unreasonable chance of success.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

“I’d never before been infatuated with someone living, someone real.”
― Gail Carson Levine, quote from The Two Princesses of Bamarre

About the author

Gail Carson Levine
Born place: in New York, New York, The United States
Born date September 17, 1947
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