Quotes from Sword in the Storm

David Gemmell ·  448 pages

Rating: (8.2K votes)

“It is hard to be angry when one has seen the sun rise,' she said.
It seems to be true,' he admitted. 'I wonder why.'
Because it makes one feel so small and insignificant. It has been rising forever and will rise forever no matter what we do or do not do. All our problems are as nothing to the sun.”
― David Gemmell, quote from Sword in the Storm

“Not one of the creatures of blood can escape death. We all face it, and succumb to it. It follows us like a dark shadow. Yet if we live in terror of it, then we do not live at all. Yes we are born alone, and yes we will die alone. But in between, Tae, we live. We know joy.”
― David Gemmell, quote from Sword in the Storm

“It is said a man doesn’t get old while his mother lives. I think it’s true. You are always a child in her eyes. It is irritating in the extreme. But you know, when they have gone, you’d give the earth just to hear them treating you like a child once more.”
― David Gemmell, quote from Sword in the Storm

“Hatred is like a plague. It is all-consuming, and it springs from man to man.”
― David Gemmell, quote from Sword in the Storm

“Yes, it would have been good, he thought, to spend quiet years with his family, waiting for his diseased heart to fail as he sat in his chair staring at the mountains. But this was better. This was life! Not the killing and the terrified screams of dying men suddenly facing the awesome spectre of their own mortality. No, but to face his fears as a man, to stand at the brink of the abyss and refuse to be cowed or beaten down.”
― David Gemmell, quote from Sword in the Storm

“The tree bark began to move, forming a face of wood.”
― David Gemmell, quote from Sword in the Storm

About the author

David Gemmell
Born place: in London, England, The United Kingdom
Born date August 1, 1948
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