Quotes from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

Ruth Frances Long ·  366 pages

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“Beware a kiss, he told her. Kisses are powerful things. You expose part of your soul.”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

“Kings were not patient. Not even the fallen kind.”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

“Jenny threw back her head and laughed, laughter that rang out through the leaves if the oak tree above them. Jack pulled her to him, to kiss her and whisper her name again. And the oak tree above them whispered back, of love and sacrifice, of a king and a queen, and a future made anew.”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

“She was talking to a tree. Just talking to a tree. Totally normal. People probably did it every day here. They're only trees. She fought an insane urge to laugh.”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

“Every game has its Jacks,' she said, the sadness of it pulling down the elation of sudden understanding. 'The thing that acts as a wild card. It can't be counted on or predicted. A weapon, even. But he's in other places, too, isn't he? And do you know what else a Jack is, Puck?...I do.”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

“They're only trees. Only trees. Whose afraid of lonely trees?”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

“Even the things that showed him his path seemed to point at what a fool he was. Another of life's ironies? Or just fate's way of mocking him?”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

“Beware a kiss' he told her. 'kisses are powerful things. You expose part of your soul”
― Ruth Frances Long, quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things

About the author

Ruth Frances Long
Born place: in Dublin, Ireland
Born date April 20, 2018
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