Quotes from The Long Earth

Terry Pratchett ·  336 pages

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“Modesty is only arrogance by stealth.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Maybe the only significant difference between a really smart simulation and a human being was the noise they made when you punched them.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“But then science is nothing but a series of questions that lead to more questions.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“I don’t think it's weak to admit you made a mistake. That takes strength, if you ask me.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“He quite liked the English. They tended to say sorry a lot, which was quite understandable given their heritage and the crimes of their ancestors.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Watering down the currency of expression, causing anything to mean whatever you want it to mean, until nothing is meant and nothing is precise.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“I find it best to worry about the little things. Things that can be helped by being worried about. Such as the making of clam chowder, (..)coffee. The bigger stuff, well, you have to handle that as it faces you.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“But smart has to have a depth as well as a length. Some smart brushes over a problem. And some smart grinds exceeding slow, like the mills of God, and it grinds fine, and when it comes up with an answer, it has been tested.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Don’t worry! On another Earth it already happened’,”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“To be fucking human, to not put too fine a point on it, and Daniel Boone can kiss my ass.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“So now, he hoped, here was a chance to bring mankind back into the book-loving fold. He gloated. There was still no electronics in the pioneer worlds, was there? Where was your internet? Hah! Where was Google? Where was your mother’s old Kindle? Your iPad 25? Where was Wickedpedia? (Very primly, he always called it that, just to show his disdain; very few people noticed.) All gone, unbelievers! All those fancy toy-gadgets stuffed in drawers, screens blank as the eyes of corpses, left behind. Books – oh yes, real books – were flying off his shelves. Out in the Long Earth humanity was starting again in the Stone Age.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Oh, don’t be absurd, man.' The Prime Minister sat back in his chair. 'Come on. We can’t just ban a thing because we can’t control it.'

The minister responsible for health and safety looked startled. 'I don’t see why not. It’s never stopped us before.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“The way I see it, my ancestors put a lot of effort into getting out of the goddamn ocean and I don’t think I should throw all of that hard work back in their faces.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“But right now, as for my own philosophy, there is a quotation that rather sums it up: “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“The thought constructed itself a piece at a time, like an incomplete jigsaw. Think, don't panic.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“But God also helped those who helped themselves, and presumably expected the chosen to bring warm clothing, water purification tablets, basic medication, a weapon such as the bronze knives that were selling these days, possibly a tent - in short, to bring some common sense to the party.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“few bad words were said – apart from ‘Republican’, which was an extremely bad word”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Surley, they couldn't be French?

He tried French anyway, 'Parlay buffon say?”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Songs can be very expressive, Lobsang. You can sing your homesickness.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“leave me in peace to converse with my friends? Whom I promise not to kill and dissect.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“All creatures on Earth have been hammered on the anvil of its gravity, for example, which influences size and morphology. So I am sceptical about finding armoured reptiles who can fly and spout flames.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“But God also helped those who helped themselves, and presumably expected the chosen to bring warm clothing, water purification tablets, basic medication, a weapon such as the bronze knives that were selling so well these days, possibly a tent – in short, to bring some common sense to the party.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“he was whisked away from the lines of passengers and led along corridors with the politeness you might observe when dealing with a politician belonging to a country that had nuclear weapons and a carefree approach to their deployment.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Sister Georgina had studied at Cambridge or, as she put it, 'Not-the-one-in-Massachusetts-Cambridge-Universitythe-real-one-you-know-in-England.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“You ain’t the boss of me, sir, you surely ain’t. The only thing you could do right now is kill me, and you still wouldn’t be the boss of me.’ There”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”’ The”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“На Нелсън англичаните му харесали. Те били склонни често да се извиняват, което било напълно разбираемо предвид историческото им наследство и престъпленията на предците им.”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Когато сутрин ставаш, помисли каква безценна привилегия имаш - да си жив, да милиш, да се наслаждаваш, да обичаш. /Марк Аврелий/”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

“Of all their eccentricities, Sally most ferociously mocked the habit Lobsang and Joshua had developed of watching old movies in the bowels of the Mark Twain. (Joshua was glad she hadn’t been on board when the two of them had dressed up for The Blues Brothers.)”
― Terry Pratchett, quote from The Long Earth

About the author

Terry Pratchett
Born place: in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, The United Kingdom
Born date April 28, 1948
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