Quotes from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

Zoltan Andrejkovics ·  0 pages

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“The only boundaries for you are those, you place in yourself.”
― Zoltan Andrejkovics, quote from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

“Goals want to be realized as soon as they're created.”
― Zoltan Andrejkovics, quote from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

“If I stress about a goal, I won't remember to find the way to get there.”
― Zoltan Andrejkovics, quote from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

“The team that keeps winning is not the most talented but the most hard-working.”
― Zoltan Andrejkovics, quote from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

“Humility is not an attribute but a key to development.”
― Zoltan Andrejkovics, quote from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

“After making all the mistakes, every player has a chance to turn the outcome of the game around by making the right moves next.”
― Zoltan Andrejkovics, quote from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

“The waves of changes propel advancement.”
― Zoltan Andrejkovics, quote from The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team

About the author

Zoltan Andrejkovics
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