Quotes from Vengeance Road

Erin Bowman ·  327 pages

Rating: (6.3K votes)

“For some reason, this is the moment I know I’m gonna be all right; that the hurt might never fade, and my heart might always long for a stubborn cowboy with squinty eyes, but I’ll make do. Sure as the sun will rise.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“When I were first learning to shoot a rifle, Pa told me that nearly every battle people face is in their heads.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“Money’s supposed to fix problems, not give you more, but I guess life ain’t that straightforward.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“Life don't care 'bout sorry's," Will says. "Bad things happen, and you can't let 'em harden you. Whatever happened to yer pa, it ain't yer fault, Nate, and you gotta let it go.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“Hell, I'll be safest pretending I'm a boy the rest of my life. The frontier ain't for the faint of heart, and it certainly ain't kind to women. Sometimes I think the whole world's 'gainst us.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“People don't gotta like the same stuff. If they did, life would be pretty boring.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“When I were first learning to shoot a rifle, Pa told me that nearly every battle people face is in their heads. If you think you can't do something, you won't. If you believe you can, it's only a matter of time before you will.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“Jesse finishes paying for his drinks and turns. It takes only half a second, but his eyes burn a trail from my dress's neckline to its hem and back again. "The dress'll do," he says.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“It is funny how the things we hate are the things we miss most when they are gone”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“He sips his drink and it leaves his handlebar mustache dripping like a cattle dog come outta a river.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“Maybe he kept the act going as long as possible, till a faked death were the only way to keep my memory of her pure and clean and something worth loving.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“It shows damn near everything. I's been hiding my breasts for so long, I half forgot I had 'em.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“[His eyes] gleaming like a demon done the devil's work”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“Life don’t care ’bout sorry’s,” Will says. “Bad things happen, and you can’t let ’em harden you.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“It is funny how the things we hate are the things we miss most when they are gone.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

“If you think you can’t do something, you won’t. If you believe you can, it’s only a matter of time before you will.”
― Erin Bowman, quote from Vengeance Road

About the author

Erin Bowman
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