Quotes from The God Box

Alex Sanchez ·  272 pages

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“What's unnatural is homophobia. Homo sapiens is the only species in all of nature that responds with hate to homosexuality.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“You're going to spend more time with yourself than with anyone else in your life. You want to spend that whole time fighting who you are?”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“How is love between two people a sin? Love isn't about gender; it's about two souls uniting.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“Pablito, the Bible was meant to be a bridge, not a wedge. It's the greatest love story ever told, about God's enduring and unconditional love for his creation--love beyond all reason. To understand it, you have to read it with love as the standard. Love God. Love your neighbor. Love yourself. Always remember that.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“Anyone who expects a person to change something as private and personal as who they hold in their arms at night needs to change their own judgmental attitude.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“Maybe [Sodom and Gomorrah] isn't really about homosexuality, but about rape. If the angels had been female, and the men of Sodom said they wanted to 'know' them against their will, would people claim that the story shows heterosexuality is a sin?”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“Even if sexual orientation were a choice, aren't we a country where we're supposed to be free to pursue our happiness, whether we're hetero-, homo-, bi-, trans-, or even a-sexual? To use [an analogy that homosexuality is a vice, like drinking], being antigay is like Prohibition, when a small group of busybodies thought no one should be allowed to drink.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“I believe [the Bible] is meant to soften our hearts, not harden them.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“Gay isn't wrong or right. It just is. What's wrong is hating yourself because of it. You're going to spend more time with yourself than with anyone else in your life. You want to spend that whole time fighting who you are?”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“How is love between two people a sin? Love isn't about gender; it's about two souls uniting. But okay, let's just suppose it is a sin. Then isn't that between God and the people involved? Who are you to judge? [...] Time and again, Jesus' message was, 'How can you say, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," when there is a log in your own?”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“My Grandma once told me 'the Church should stay out of people's pants'.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“No, Manuel said firmly. "Gay isn't wrong or right. It just is.”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

“If you think the sea is blue and I think it’s green, why try to convince you?”
― Alex Sanchez, quote from The God Box

About the author

Alex Sanchez
Born place: in Mexico City, Mexico
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