Quotes from The Fallen Star

Jessica Sorensen ·  449 pages

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“The first time I'd ever felt happy-and I mean ever-was when I'd been lying in my bed, staring out my window, watching the stars shine harmoniosly with one another.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Liar's such a strong word. I prefer to think of it as me omitting some of the details" - Alex”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“In the midst of a dark, forest, haunted by the winter’s chill, I found myself running for my life. My feet thudded heavily against the snow as the thunderous roar of the yellow, glowing-eyed, black-cloaked monsters chased after me. I shoved helplessly through the brittle pine trees, leafless branches clawing at”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“never experienced anything like the prickling sensation before. From then on, my life was never the same. The prickle would show up and bam, I”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Outside my window, the clouds had parted. The moon smoldered against the blackness of the sky; the stars twinkled harmoniously around it. I felt that same strange pull that I always did whenever I looked up at the night sky. It made me feel like I belonged up there, shining with the stars. Sometimes it felt like it was the only place I did belong.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“roar of the yellow, glowing-eyed, black-cloaked monsters chased after me. I shoved helplessly through the brittle pine trees, leafless branches clawing at my flesh.  Snow flooded my sneakers, soaking higher and higher on my jeans with every step I took. My heart pounded furiously. My lungs grew tight, about”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Of course, my nightmares were just the tip of the iceberg in the madness that had overtaken my life. When I was awake, I had much bigger problems to deal with than monsters attacking me. Real problems. Ones I couldn’t blink away.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“I hadn’t already been freezing to death. The golden moonlight spotlighted down from the night sky, highlighting a white scar scuffing his left cheek. His black hair matched his dark, hollow eyes. “Finish her off,” he commanded.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“scream again as ice whipped through my body. I heard a deep laugh as I felt myself falling. Then everything went black.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Great thinking Gemma. Way to set yourself up for a cold death. Didn’t your dreams teach you anything?”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“I woke up, gasping for air, my disoriented mind still thinking I was sprawled out on the forest ground, freezing to death from the monsters’ deathly touch. That the tan walls forming my bedroom were just an illusion. I bolted upright in my bed, my pulse racing as I untangled myself”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“soaking higher and higher on my jeans with every step I took. My heart pounded furiously. My lungs grew tight, about to collapse from exhaustion. The air dipped colder. Fog swirled everywhere. They were close, so close I could feel their icy breath down my neck. That’s what they do—they drop the temperature so drastically the air instantly bruises over with ice. And if they catch”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“things were far from normal. They weren’t even close.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Smiling back at her seemed like such a huge project,”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“guy who clearly hated my guts? I pulled myself together”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“regular spot to hide out and eat my lunch. I selected the book I had been”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Alex backed away from the table and turned to Laylen. “Are you sure about that?” Laylen shook his head and sighed. “Look, this place is very low key. We’ll go straight there and straight back.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Make sure you pick one up as you leave class so you can start brainstorming ideas. That’s it. Class dismissed.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Need some help?” Alex asked, watching me with patronizing eyes. I had to collect myself”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“jumped and spun around. Man, my nightmares were making me jumpy. I hit the off button. It’s time for school. Ugh. School was so my”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“it was only wishful thinking. And whether wishes were made by blowing out birthday candles or on a shooting star, they never came true.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Alex had made him bleed when he clocked him one.  “I said I was sorry about that. I didn’t understand the situation,” Alex said apologetically, staring down at”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“Gemma, there’s no use running.” The man’s voice rumbled through the night. It was the same voice that always showed up right before the monsters captured me. “No matter what you do, you’ll never escape.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“black-cloaked monsters chased after me. I shoved helplessly through the brittle pine trees, leafless branches clawing at my flesh.  Snow flooded my sneakers, soaking higher and higher on my jeans with every step I took.”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“I shoved helplessly through the brittle pine trees, leafless branches clawing at my flesh.  Snow flooded my sneakers, soaking”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“show?” My heart just about leapt out of my”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“I shoved helplessly through the brittle pine trees, leafless branches clawing at my flesh.  Snow flooded my sneakers, soaking higher and higher on my jeans with every step I took. My heart pounded furiously. My lungs grew tight, about to collapse from exhaustion. The air dipped colder. Fog swirled everywhere. They were close, so close I could feel their icy breath down my neck. That’s what they do—they drop the”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

“thudded heavily against the snow as the thunderous roar of the yellow, glowing-eyed,”
― Jessica Sorensen, quote from The Fallen Star

About the author

Jessica Sorensen
Born place: The United States
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