Quotes from The End Has Come and Gone

Mark Tufo ·  356 pages

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“And Lord knows I’d pissed off enough people in my life that ‘friendly fire’ was always a personal concern of mine.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“Five inches! That’s awesome!” I said with jubilation. “Maybe where you come from,” BT said. “Did he just make a dick joke?” Alex asked.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I’m going to make this slow, Talbot,” Durgan said while grinding his fist into his palm. “The slower the better,” I told him. “You’re fucking nuts!” he yelled to me, clearly confused at my answer. “Nucking futs,” I said.  “What is wrong with him?” Durgan asked BT as if he was going to get a valid response. “Hopped up on bath salts,” BT said. “What are you talking about?” Durgan asked. These were not the responses he was expecting to receive and it was throwing him off his game. “Bath salts,” Gary said. “They’re all the rage in Paris, haven’t you ever tried them?” “Paris is gone you idiots!” Durgan screamed. “Oh, my poor pet,” Eliza said coming up behind Durgan. “So strong in body, yet not in mind.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“This soul has no inherent stain except for the one you have bestowed upon it, as the Book of Revelations states, you have no claim on this soul and will relinquish all rights to it.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“A pissed-off woman was always a good ally.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I know my imagination can be like a three-year-old on Red Bull and still I feed it.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“If the shit hits the fan, unplug it before it gets all over the place.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“Pretty lady. Why are you crying? My mom says crying makes your asscarrots run,” Angel said.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I’d rather go out like the Bon Jovi song.” I looked at him questioningly then asked, “What? Livin’ on a Prayer?” “No, dumbass…Blaze of Glory.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“Michael?” Eliza asked again. “What?” I said testily. “Oh. No, there are no surprises, our original agreement is in effect.” “You won’t mind then if I send some of my army in to verify that?” she asked. “You sound awfully frightened for being the Lord of All You Survey,” I rang out.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I was in the midst of a very uneventful guard watch when I first heard the shuffling noise. It was so faint I thought I might be imagining it. It could have been a rat or even one of our party with a particularly nasty itch. That was, of course, until I saw a shadow play under the door to the apartment. Something was out there. Now the true question, was it alive or dead? There was no peephole through which to look, and if somehow Sir Licks-A-Lot had made the journey I might have finally slipped over the edge I was holding onto so precariously.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I read this in a book about hauntings.” “I thought you said this wouldn’t be scary?” “It’s not really,” Gary said. “But by its definition ‘haunting’ is a scary thing.” “It’s not.” “You know, because I’m pretty maxed out already with this whole zombie thing. I don’t need another genre to keep me awake at night.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I have come to learn that there is no great manifest destiny, there is no universal order. Chaos will always reign supreme. There is no more order to the world than the falling of a leaf in a stiff fall breeze. That it will fall eventually is a truth, but which route it will take and where it will land are the great mysteries that evade us all. ”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I know my imagination can be like a three-year-old on Red Bull and still I feed”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“Day One – T-Minus four hours before departure – Talbot Journal Entry 2”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

“I am not a perfect man; I do not claim to be. I am rife with shortcomings and my own sets of insecurities, but somehow Tracy has always been able to bring my better qualities to the fore. For twenty-three years she has been the vital piece that allows me to function correctly in a dysfunctional society.”
― Mark Tufo, quote from The End Has Come and Gone

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