Quotes from Corrupt

Penelope Douglas ·  460 pages

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“When you want to make an impression and you think you’ve gone far enough, go a little further. Always leave them wondering if you’re just a little bit crazy, and people will never fuck with you again.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“The closer you got to anything beautiful, the less beautiful it became. Allure was in the mystery, not the appearance.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Those who are patient, plan. And beware the man with a plan.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“The shy ones tend to be the baddest after all.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“The only way we find out what we’re capable of is by getting into a little trouble.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Well, it's like you're saving your energy for something. Holding back. But it doesn't make any sense. Life is one-way, and there is no return trip. What are you waiting for?”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“It’s just you, Little Monster. Own it or it will own you.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Own it. Don’t apologize for who you are. Own it. You can’t win if you don’t show up, right?”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Run all you want, Little Monster,” he said, sounding like a threat. “We’re faster.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Redefine normal. None of us know the full measure of our power until we start pushing our boundaries and pressing our luck, and the more we do, the less we care what others think. The freedom feels too good.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Our scrapes and bruises, tattoos, scars, smiles, and wrinkles told our stories,”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“And from Michael—as well as Damon, Will, and Kai—I learned to breathe fire. I learned to walk as if the path were carved for me and me alone, and to treat the world as if it should know I was coming.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“She needed a hot shower, a warm bed, and me.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Things done in the dark hours of night, behind closed doors, or in the heat of the moment looked a lot different in the morning, out in the open, and with a clear head.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Own who you are,” he commanded. “And don’t apologize. Do you understand? Own it or it
will own you.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“They were untouchable, fascinating, and nothing they ever did was wrong. I wanted that. I wanted to look down at the sky.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“I’ll look out for my little brother’s girlfriend and keep her nice and safe in the light of day and not violate the fuck out of her in the dark.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“The most valuable lesson anyone learns in life should be learned as early as possible. That you don’t have to live in the reality someone else had invented. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Ever.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Her fucking eyes, going from defiant to mischievous to hurt to on fire, and then finally, to broken.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Chess would teach me strategy, fencing would teach me human nature and self-preservation, and dancing would teach me my body. All necessary for a well-rounded person.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“There were dark deeds and bad seeds, but who cared if the house was falling apart as long as it was pretty, right?”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“I’m not playing your games. You were wrong.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “You want to know what I’ve learned? I don’t win by playing your games. I win by making you play mine.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“It's odd to see how no one is really human to us until we talk to them and realize there's barley any separation between who we are and who they are.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“What do you treasure? Is anything precious to you?”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Yeah, they’re just matches,” I continued, my voice growing thick with tears. “And memories and smells and sounds and butterflies in my stomach every time I heard the car door slam outside, telling me that he was home. A thousand dreams of all the places I’d have adventures someday.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“Most of the matchbooks and little boxes were made of paper, and even if the matches dried out, the containers were split, torn, and shriveled. The damp cardboard dripped with water, discolored and broken.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“I didn’t feel so lost when he was around. It was the only time I didn’t feel lost.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“They’re hopes and wishes and reminders and all the times I smiled, knowing he’d remembered me while he was gone.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“When I thought about it, there actually weren’t a lot of things or people in the world that I loved. Why had I left them here?”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

“You’re a horny little bitch,” Damon seethed. “You almost fucked him right here in front of us.”
― Penelope Douglas, quote from Corrupt

About the author

Penelope Douglas
Born place: in Dubuque, Iowa, The United States
Born date February 1, 2018
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