Quotes from The Dinosaur Lords

Victor Milán ·  445 pages

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“There’s always another weapon to hand, if only you look.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

No day’s too fair to die on, nor too foul either.
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

Careful what you wish for, lad, Rob thought. Blood’s not so easy to put back in, once you let it flow. Your own no more than anybody else’s.
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“One thing you should know.
This world—Paradise—isn’t Earth.
It wasn’t Earth. It won’t ever be Earth.
It is no alternate Earth.
All else is possible....”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“You have the power. Use it.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“And not just because meat-eating dinosaurs used as war-mounts were as rare as honest priests.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“After all, isn’t life always a matter of picking out the beautiful from the hideous?”
“If only all things were beautiful,” Pere said.
What then, dear friend? We strive to increase beauty in this world of ours. But we’ll never eliminate the ugly. Should we even hope to? You’re a master painter. Isn’t the figure meaningless without ground? Without ugliness for contrast, how can we perceive beauty? Isn’t it ugliness that gives beauty meaning?”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“What I’ve always insisted on from myself is to do as well as I could, and keep doing better until I’m at least competent. Long ago I learned that to achieve anything, one must start where one stands. Or spend eternity waiting for the right moment. Which never comes.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Never give an order you know won’t be obeyed.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Skill without self-mastery is hollow. A set of clever tricks, no more.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Reading about war is not the same as experiencing it, Highness.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“This is war, and we get what we get, not what we want.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“No court has only harmless intrigues.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Be careful starting anything you don’t know how will end.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Never doubt the true threat’s not the monster, but the man.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please."
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Courage is as common as young men with more sperm in their sacks than sense in their skulls,” Karyl said. “The willingness of men and women to die without question is a virtue primarily for the unworthy, who use it for their gain.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“The longest journey begins with one small step.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Beware getting what you want, son.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“The woods-runners lacked any regard for borders; they considered all of Telar’s Wood, which spanned Nuevaropa from Slavia and Alemania to Spaña near the coast of the Océano Aino, their home.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“There’s nothing more dangerous than one who lives as if already dead.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

So it’s true what I hear, that victory makes strange bedfellows.
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

It’s the very challenge of the thing keeping the man alive.
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

To believe in power, Falk reminded himself, is to obey the man who has it. Anything else is anarchy.
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Did you all drink a potion of grasping the obvious this morning?”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“You taught me the truth is always beautiful, no matter what it is. So I shouldn’t be afraid to face it.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“How can anything be more important than being friends?”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Taking life’s a serious thing, because it’s irrevocable.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my lives, it’s that there’s no magic on this wretched little world of ours.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

“Are you a lover of music, then, for all your crimes against her?”
A corner of Karyl’s mouth quirked up. “My piping’s scarcely the worst of my crimes.”
― Victor Milán, quote from The Dinosaur Lords

About the author

Victor Milán
Born place: in Tulsa, Oklahoma, The United States
Born date January 1, 1954
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