Quotes from The Charm School

Nelson DeMille ·  816 pages

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“Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
― Nelson DeMille, quote from The Charm School

“never ceased to amaze him how a discredited philosophy and a repressive nation still attracted idealists.”
― Nelson DeMille, quote from The Charm School

“The sun has riz, and the sun has set, and here we is in Roosha yet.”
― Nelson DeMille, quote from The Charm School

“Pravda, as you know, means ‘truth,’ and Izvestia means ‘news,’ and I’ve heard it said that there is no news in the Truth and no truth in the News.”
― Nelson DeMille, quote from The Charm School

About the author

Nelson DeMille
Born place: New York, NY, The United States
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