Quotes from The Sorceress

Michael Scott ·  502 pages

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“I like places like this," he announced.

I like old places too," Josh said, "but what's to like about a place like this?"

The king spread his arms wide. "What do you see?"

Josh made a face. "Junk. Rusted tractor, broken plow, old bike."

Ahh...but I see a tractor that was once used to till these fields. I see the plow it once pulled. I see a bicycle carefully placed out of harm's way under a table."

Josh slowly turned again, looking at the items once more.

And i see these things and I wonder at the life of the person who carefully stored the precious tractor and plow in the barn out of the weather, and placed their bike under a homemade table."

Why do you wonder?" Josh asked. "Why is it even important?"

Because someone has to remember," Gilgamesh snapped, suddenly irritated. "Some one has to remember the human who rode the bike and drove the tractor, the person who tilled the fields, who was born and lived and died, who loved and laughed and cried, the person who shivered in the cold and sweated in the sun." He walked around the barn again, touching each item, until his palm were red with rust." It is only when no one remembers, that you are truely lost. That is the true death.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“I spend all my time trying to keep thoughts away and ignore them....But here you are, trying to remember your own life, writing your thoughts down so that you don't forget. I suddenly realized what it would be like not to know, not to remember.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“we are nothing more than the sum of our memories and experiences”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“it is only when no one remembers that you are truly lost. That is the true death.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“The line between confidence and arrogance is very fine, Josh,” Flamel said quietly. “And the line between arrogance and stupidity even finer. Sophie,” he added, without looking at her.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“This car was speically ordered for you, Mr. Flamel." There was a pause and the voice added, "The author of one of the most boring books I have ever read, The Philosophic Summary."
Boring?" Nicholas yanked the door open and pushed the twins into the gloom. "It's been acknowledged for centuires as a work of a genius!" Climbing in, he slammed the door.
Franis probably told you to say that."
You'd better buckel up," the driver commanded. "We've got all sorts of company heading this way, none of it friendly and all of it unpleasant.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“There have always been people like you, Nicholas Flamel. People who think they know what's best, who decide what people should see and read and listen to, who ultimately try to shape how the rest of the world think and acts. I've spent my entire life fighting the likes of you.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“The line between confidence and arrogance is very fine, and the line between arrogance and stupidity even finer.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Master the rules of the game until you can play it better they can.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“We humans are nothing more than the sum of our memories.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Battles are won by men. Wars are won by strategists.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Impatience and stupidity claim more victims than any weapon.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“It is said that the Magic of Air or Fire or even Earth is the most powerful magic of all. But that is wrong. The Magic of Water surpasses all others, for water is both the lifegiver and the deathbringer.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“En mi juventud me enseñaron que en el corazón de cada historia se esconde una semilla de realidad" -Bastet”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Dung is more valuable than any precious metal. You cannot grow food in gold.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Siempre es mejor luchar en sólo una batalla a la vez. De esa forma, siempre ganas" -Josh Newman”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Saracen The Knight: There will be a cost.

Saint-Germain: Anything. I will pay anything to get my wife back.

Saracen: Even your immortality?

Saint-Germain: Even that. What's the point in living forever, when it is not with the woman I love?”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“¿Sabes cuantos Oscuros Inmemoriales, parientes o aamigos de estos han intentado matarme?"
Areop-Enap se encogio de hombros en un movimiento desagradable de todas sus patas.
"¿Y sabes cuantos siguen con vida?"
"¿Pocos?", insinuo.
Perenelle sonrio. "Muy pocos.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“He’d met Dee briefly and didn’t like him; he was one of those arrogant European immortals who thought they were better than anyone else, just because they were older than the United States.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“The line between confidence and arrogance is very fine,”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Even if he could not see them, several lifetimes of listening to emperors, kings, princes, politicians and thieves had taught him that it was often not what people said, but what they did not say that revealed the truth.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“With a tremendous effort, Areop-Enap opened all its eyes. " I am sorry to leave you alone and defenseless."
Perenelle sealed the spider Elder into the huge cocoon of web, then turned and strode across the room. The tiniest breeze swept the floor clean before her. " I am Perenelle Flamel, the Sorceress,"she said aloud, unsure whether Aerop-Enap could hear her. "And I am never defenseless.”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Werewolves and silver bullets!” Shakespeare coughed a quick laugh and shook his head. “Lord, what fools these mortals be!”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

“Nothing—Elder, Next Generation, immortal or human—was completely indestructible. Not even Areop-Enap. Perenelle herself had once brought an ancient temple down on the spider’s head and it had shrugged off the attack—yet could it survive billions of poisonous flies?”
― Michael Scott, quote from The Sorceress

About the author

Michael Scott
Born place: in Dublin, Ireland
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