Quotes from The Anatomy of Evil

430 pages

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“Born evil? I know of no such person, even in the annals of crime or in the biographies of despots. The answer here is no.”
― quote from The Anatomy of Evil

“I am not so fortunate as to have Virgil as my guide, but I do have Dante as my inspiration.”
― quote from The Anatomy of Evil

“Crafts had presumably bludgeoned his wife with a blunt instrument, severed her body into manageable pieces with the chain saw, frozen them until hard in the freezer, and then transported them to the lake-there to be reduced to little pieces by the rented wood chipper.”
― quote from The Anatomy of Evil

“Dr. Harold Shipman, the victims were men and women, some in hospitals, some living at home, who were part of his patient roster.5 He murdered several hundred patients (the exact number will never be known)-mostly with opiates.”
― quote from The Anatomy of Evil

“After killing the dancer, he dismembered her body, boiled her head in a kitchen pot, and placed bits of her flesh in buckets he then kept in storage facilities. Having cooked her flesh, he then, in an act of grotesque generosity, dispensed some to the homeless in his neighborhood as "meat.”
― quote from The Anatomy of Evil

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