Quotes from Something About You

Julie James ·  307 pages

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“If you also thinks it means I wake up every morning wondering what I did to deserve having you back in my life, well, you'd be right about that too.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Where is Wilkins, anyway?" Cameron asked.
"In the living room, being accosted by eighteen women who think he's a stripper. I thought it was best to duck in here."
"So much for never leaving a man behind."
"If he starts screaming, I'll lay down a cover fire and go pull him out.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Jack turned to Cameron. "Do you just line them up, waiting to yell at me, on the off chance I'll stop by?”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“My God, Jack - with a look like that, you two should just get a room. And try not to pick the one with a dead body next to it this time.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Sitting next to her, Amy was wide-eyed, mesmerized at the sight of Jack heading over in all his seemingly pissed-off-once-again glory. "I changed my mind, Cam. If this was all a big setup and he's coming over to strip for me, I think I can handle it. I definitely can handle it.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“More like a chocolate molten lava cake. A dessert so sinful, so luscious, so filled with inner heat it made a girl want to lick each and every crumb right off the plate. That was Jack Pallas.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“It should've been illegal for a man to walk around like that without some sort of permit.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“I invited a few people to help celebrate your birthday," Cameron said sheepishly. She threw up her hands. "Surprise."

"We sort of come with the package," Collin explained. "Think of it as a collective gift from all of us to you: five bona fide annoying and overly intrusive new best friends."

"It's the gift that keeps on giving," Wilkins said.

Jack grinned. "I'm touched. Really. And since it appears I'm going to be moving in, let me be the first to say that all of you are always welcome at my and Cameron's house. Subject to a minimum of forty-eight hours prior notification.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the fact that you knew about this before I did."

"Don't be disappointed," Jack said. "The fact that I've been ridiculously proud of you for days doesn't change how excited you should be about this. Besides, I pretty much know everything. You should probably just start getting used to it."

"And on that note, I'm hanging up," Cameron said.

"Rushing me off so you can call Collin next?" Jack teased.

"No" she said emphatically.
Damn, he really did know everything.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Great. Okay. That, uh... was easier than I thought."
Jack cocked his head. Wait a second... He couldn't decide if he was pissed or really impressed. He hooked a finger into the waistband of the workout pants she'd changed into and pulled her closer. "Did you fake me out with those tears, Cameron?"
She peered up at him, defiantly, seemingly outraged by the suggestion. "Are you kidding? What, after the day I've had, I'm not entitled to a few tears? Sheesh."
Jack waited.
"This wedding is very important to me--I can't believe you're even doubting me. Honestly, Jack, the tears were real."
He waited some more. She would talk eventually. They always did.
Cameron shifted under the weight of his stare. "Okay, fine. Some of the tears were real." She looked him over, annoyed. "You are really good at that."
He grinned. "I know.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Cameron looked over her shoulder just as Jack stalked into the tent. He got his first glimpse of the back of her dress. Or lack thereof.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
His eyes lingered on her for another moment before he turned to Amy, gesturing. "This place looks great, Amy. You did one hell of a job."
Amy grinned. "Nice recovery, Jack.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“You don't touch the purse. The purse is sacrosanct.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“I’ve licked stamps who were more excited than you by that kiss.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“If you think it means I'm asking you to move in with me, you'd be right." Her expression turned more serious. "If you also think it means that I wake up every morning wondering what I did to deserve having you back in my life, well, you'd be right about that, too."
Jack just sat there for a moment, just... stunned. No one had ever said anything like that to him.
"Come here," he said huskily. He grabbed her chair and pulled it toward his. He kissed her, softly at first, then his hand moved to her back and pushed her close as his emotions got the better of him. He pulled back to hold her gaze. "I love you, Cameron. You know that, right?"
She kissed him back, whispering the words in his ear. "I love you, too.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Nefarious. This is what we get when we hire a Yale boy.”
“You missed sacrosanct earlier. And taciturn and glowering,” Jack said.
“What’s glowering?”
“Me, apparently.”
Wilkins pointed. “Now that has to be a joke.” He turned to Davis. “You heard that, right?”
Davis didn’t answer him, having spun his chair around to type something at his computer. “Let’s see what Google says… Ah – here it is. ‘Glowering: dark; showing a brooding ill humor.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“And as for you Agent Pallas – man-to-man, if you ever insult my girl on national television again, I’ll…” he stopped.
Everyone in the room waited, hanging. Jack raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
Collin turned to Cameron with a look of astonishment. “I’ve got nothing. I had this whole exit speech going and I was gonna end with some big macho threat but when I got there, it was like – bleh – nothing. That’s a pisser.” He appeared disgusted with himself, then shrugged it off. “Oh well. Catch you guys later.”
He strode out without a second glance.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“If we go now, there's no coming back. You're mine all night."
Her eyes flashed. "Promise?"
That was it.
Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her off the dance floor, toward the main entrance of the tent.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“- I hate to break this to you, Cameron, but you are only human.
- Shh... I've been trying to keep that under wraps for years.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Collin seemed wholly unfazed by Cameron’s appearance. Jack kept one eye carefully trained on him, thinking things had better stay that way. Gay or not, best friend or not, no one with a dick was getting within a foot of Cameron while she wore that dress.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Seriously, Jack, I think you might be the only guy in this city who hasn’t read his stuff. Collin McCann is like the Carrie Bradshaw of Chicago men.”
“You mean Terry Bradshaw,” Jack corrected.
“No, Carrie,” Wilkins repeated. “You know, Sarah Jessica Parker. Sex and the City.”
A silence fell over the room as Collin and Jack stared at Wilkins, seriously fearing for the fate of men.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“I think the first thing we need to talk about is you not running around in tight T-shirts and yoga pants.”
“Fine. I’ll stop doing that as soon as you shave.”
Jack ran his hand along his jaw and grinned. “You like the scruff, huh?”
Did she ever.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Jack wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. He whispered in her ear. “He’s not getting near you again, baby, I promise. No one’s laying a finger on you ever again.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Cameron threw her hands up in frustration. “What is this so-called ‘look’?” Whatever it was, she was going to have to start taking extreme measures to guard against it.
Amy grinned. “You know the Tom and Jerry cartoon where Tom hasn’t eaten for days and he imagines Jerry looking like a ham? Kind of like that.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“I thought you'd want the honor of taking down Martino."
"Oh, hell yes."
"Then what's with the look?"
"It just occured to me that as U.S. attorney, you're now in a position of authority over me."
Cameron raised an eyebrow. "Yuo're right, Agent Pallas. There is a new sheriff in town."
"Cute. How long have you been waiting to say that?"
(Jack & Cameron)”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“But if it makes you feel better, I don’t give a fuck what comes through that door. They’re not getting to you.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“He looked again. Longer this time. She may have ‘forgotten’ to put a bra on that morning. Another oops.
“Are you kidding me with that?” he asked.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Hopefully when he moved his things out of the apartment, he at least took his CDs. I mean, we might be gay, but… Enya? Really?”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“But she was decidedly immune to any of his so-called sexual char--wow, he smelled fantastic.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Some jobs required a certain level of detachment; a turning off of emotions in order to do the things that needed to be done.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

“Thank God she wasn’t still hanging out in her underpants.”
― Julie James, quote from Something About You

About the author

Julie James
Born place: Chicago
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