“conscience was no more than the fear of being caught.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Intrinsically selfish in nature, grief was for the living.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Much as they wished to, they knew they were incapable of saving the whole world – but sometimes you just had to deal with what was right in front of you.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Intrinsically selfish in nature, grief was for the living. It was a measure of how keenly one felt their own personal loss, and in some cases, as Kim knew, their regret.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“People are normally murdered because of something they have done, something they are doing or something they are going to do.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“I was told that the body is no more than a jacket which gets cast off when it’s no longer needed.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“This was the problem with journeys to her past. Any happy memory led to tragedy and loss. The reason she didn’t visit all that often.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“she had become the most popular dancer at the venue. She received on average three requests for private dances per night and at two hundred pounds a time it was not to be sniffed at. She knew she was the anti-Christ for some feminists and to that she raised her middle finger.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“On the scale of genuine apologies, I’d rate that at minus seven.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“You know, Guv, if it’s true that Tolkien named the dark lands of Mordor after the Black Country, he was surely looking this way.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“A poor start in life did not dictate the acts of the future.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Did I feel nothing when my mother rejected me, or did she reject me because I felt nothing?”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Kim era infastidita dal fatto che l'intestazione dicesse ancora VITTIMA NUMERO UNO. Una volta quelle ossa erano state di una persona. Una persona in carne e ossa, magari con una voglia sulla pelle che la distingueva da tutti gli altri. Una persona con un volto e delle espressioni che erano solo sue. Non un semplice mucchio di ossa. Quella ragazza aveva trascorso nell'anonimato già fin troppo tempo e Kim detestava non essere ancora in grado di darle un nome”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Finalmente capiva l'empatia che provava per quella ragazza che conosceva solo da pochi giorni. Lucy era una combattente. Non si rassegnava di fronte alle carte che il destino le aveva assegnato. Ogni giorno lottava per vivere, contro tutti i pronostici. Quel giorno avrebbe potuto scegliere di non premere il pulsante. Avrebbe potuto cedere alla sua malattia e scegliere la pace eterna ma non l'aveva fatto e c'era solo una cosa che glielo aveva impedito: la speranza”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Tact and diplomacy had been invented by someone with too much time on their hands.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“When I need someone to tell me how I should be feeling I’ll be sure to let you know.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Kim knew first hand that survivor guilt had the power to shape a mind; and that was why she prayed her own boxes never got opened.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“the acts of the future. Kim was a testament to that fact. Her early years had promised a life of crime, drugs, suicide attempts and possibly worse.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“managed to keep your dick in your pants for another couple of weeks”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Let your team have some sleep now and again. They're not all charged via a USB port like you,”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“She wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting on the late night news. The announcement had already been made on the local evening news programme. Perhaps she was hoping for a miracle, some last-minute reprieve.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“She knew she was the anti-Christ for some feminists and to that she raised her middle finger. Women’s liberation for her was about the right to choose and she chose to dance; not because she was some vacant crackhead needing the money, but because she enjoyed it.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“forensic osteoarchaeologist has confirmed the bones to be human”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Even as a child she had enjoyed performing. She had strived for that individuality, that uniqueness that would set her apart, that would make people notice her.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“the Cristal had flowed and two bottles of Dom Perignon had been bought by her last client, making her boss a very happy man.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“remaining tent to find Cerys alone at the fold-up”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Today was going to be another dark day.”
― Angela Marsons, quote from Silent Scream
“Better to suffer the loneliness of the cold throne room than endure the isolation to be found within the crowds of facile courtiers.”
― Stuart Hill, quote from The Last Battle of the Icemark
“A bush-warbler,
Coming to the verandah-edge,
Left its droppings
On the rice-cakes.”
― Matsuo Bashō, quote from Backroads to Far Towns: Basho's Travel Journal
“I tell you Charlie, I was there waiting in that field. waiting for Ede and Tom to find me. You don't think two people come together for nothing, do you? They were together because I was waiting to be found..."
Then she looked straight into my face and said to me: "You know it, too, Charlie. All that time you waited for me to find you. What if I hadn't? What if I'd said: I won't?"
She turned, and clinging to my arm, she surveyed the fields of snow the stretched away to the confining wall.”
― Timothy Findley, quote from The Piano Man's Daughter
“Начинът, по който старият Азуреус посрещаше своите гости, можеше преспокойно да бъде уподобен на рапсодия без думи. Възторжено сияещ, той бавно и нежно поемаше ръката ти в меките си длани, задържаше я така, сякаш това е някакво отдавна търсено съкровище или врабче, цялото пух и с лудо блъскащо сърчице, вглеждаше се в теб с влажно безмълвие, не с очите, а по-скоро със заобикалящите ги лъчи на бръчиците, а после бавно-бавно сребристата усмивка започваше да се стапя, нежните стари ръце постепенно отпускаха хватката си, пламтящата светлина на деликатното му бледо лице биваше сменене от празно и нищо не говорещи изражение, и той отстъпваше далеч от теб, сякаш неволно се е припознал, като че ли все пак ти изобщо не си обичания, този любим, който в следващия момент той ще съзре в другия ъгъл на стаята и усмивката отново щеше да грейне, ръцете отново щяха да обгърнат врабчето, и после отново всичко щеше да се стопи и изчезне.”
― Vladimir Nabokov, quote from Bend Sinister
“didn't think of it.” She supposed she should have”
― Iris Johansen, quote from The Killing Game
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