Quotes from rock

Anyta Sunday ·  251 pages

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“When I look at your stones, I remember.” Jace glances over to Annie, Mum, and finally Dad. “I remember what each of these stones mean because I was with Cooper for a lot of them. Falling in love with him.”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“Have you ever felt so full of thoughts you think you could burst?”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“Don’t tell him to stop but don’t let him play my song too long. There are others he should be playing.”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“He shifts enough to bring us closer, and the rock gently rolls. His tender gaze strokes my face. “You are my rock.” He squeezes my hand the way I squeezed his on the soccer field at Newtown High.”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“- You can't expect me to follow you into the bush in the middle of the night
- And yet, here you are.”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“just need to pray.” “You don’t believe in God.” “Sometimes I do.” “What are you praying for?” Nothing can be done. Please don’t make me hope. “For forgiveness.” I”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“We each need to have a movie that freaks us the fuck out so we can laugh at ourselves later”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“He leans back in his chair, the brown of his T-shirt complementary against the dark wood.”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

“You’re beautiful. I love you. I support you. I’ll always be your biggest fan, and I’ll always cheer for you on the sidelines no matter what play you make.”
― Anyta Sunday, quote from rock

About the author

Anyta Sunday
Born place: in Wellington, New Zealand
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