Quotes from Redeemed

P.C. Cast ·  310 pages

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“I have tried to live my life by: I cannot control others. I can only control myself and my reactions to others. And when all else fails, I choose kindness. I show compassion. Then, if I have made poor choices, I have at least not damaged my spirit.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“I’d yank that damn Seer Stone off, find Aphrodite, and give it to her to keep it safe like she was my Frodo.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“Seeing it makes a magnificent abstract concept real, and reality tends to taint even the most wonderful ideas [...] - Caradoc”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“It can be seductive and cunning. Darkness wears many faces, and some of those faces can seem, at first, like allies.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“I do not know everything. I do not have the answers you seek. I cannot do more than cleanse and heal your mind and spirit. I cannot take you from this place or change the past that has brought you here. I can only love you and remind you of this one, small rule that I have tried to live my life by: I cannot control others. I can only control myself and my reactions to others. And when all else fails, I choose kindness. I show compassion. Then, if I have made poor choices, I have at least not damaged my spirit.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“I cannot control others. I can only control myself and my reactions to others. And when all else fails, I choose kindness. I show compassion. Then, if I have made poor choices, I have at least not damaged my spirit.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“Kalona’s back. The spell worked. One of Neferet’s hostages got out. And to say Neferet’s pissed is like saying Louis Vuitton makes cute purses. Hello, understatement of the decade.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“This is what it feels like to be part of a family. I like the way it feels!”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“Laughing joyously, Kalona stood, and just before the curtain to the Otherworld closed, he took his Goddess into his arms and lost himself in her welcoming kiss.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“I like to believe prayers aren’t tethered to semantics.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“Oklahoma holds ancient power within its red dirt,”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“And in my Dark Otherworld, there will be no innocents being abused by predators. All will be under my protection. I hold their fates in”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“When Lynette described everything that had happened, the puzzle pieces fell into place from my last vision. Goddess, I hate figurative language.”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

“I like to believe prayers aren’t tethered to semantics.” Adam”
― P.C. Cast, quote from Redeemed

About the author

P.C. Cast
Born place: in The United States
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