Quotes from Plum Spooky

Janet Evanovich ·  384 pages

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“I hate mornings. They start so early.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Truth is, I'm a good Catholic girl. The faith has always been elusive, but the guilt is intractable. ”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“I have bad car juju."
-Stephanie Plum”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“[Stephanie] That's not the point. I can't just let monkeys loose in Trenton.
[Lula] Why not? There's all kinds of crazy shit loose in Trenton.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Ranger’s gonna hate this,” Tank said. “Better to get shot than to have to explain the gate. Bad enough I got a horse that smells like his shower gel.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“He doesn’t look very smart,” Diesel said. “He’s not even giving me the finger.”
“Can monkey’s do that?” Hal asked.
Carl gave him the finger.
“Cool!” Hal said.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Sweetie, nothing that flies looks safe, including birds.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“I’ll be real discreet,” Tank said.
As discreet as a six-foot-six, no-neck guy weighing three hundred and fifty pounds, all dressed in black SWAT clothes, with a Glock holstered at his side could be.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Have you eaten?' I asked Diesel.



― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Stephanie Plum, off-road warrior. Now this was the way it should be, I thought. Taking action. Hauling ass in the woods behind Diesel. Well, okay – truthfully, I wanted to be in front of Diesel. I wanted to ride point, lead the charge, be the big kahuna. Unfortunately, Diesel was the one who’d memorized the aerial map. And he was supposedly the one with super senses.
‘Big whoop-de-do, super senses,’ I said.
‘I heard that,’ Diesel yelled back to me.
‘No, you didn’t.’
‘Yes. I did.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Diesel is back," Ranger said.
Yes. How did you know?"
I woke uo with a migraine this morning," Ranger said.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“And from where I was sitting his ass looked like little Bear's bed...not too hard, and not too soft, but just right.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Think of this as an adventure, Diesel said.
I’m from Jersey. I get my adventure on the Turnpike.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Your monkey was looking under the stall doors in the ladies' room,' I told Diesel.
'That's my boy,' Diesel said.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“My skill level is so high I do things I don’t even try to do.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“Yeah. My skill level is so high I do things I don’t even try to do.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“I swear,” Hal said, “this place is like the Bermuda Triangle. It’s friggin’ spooky. I went out to feed the monkeys last night, and I saw the Easter Bunny walking down the road with Sasquatch. And now there are rockets shooting into the sky from nowhere.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“I’m a glass-is-half-full person now, and your sorry ass is still in half-empty country.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“What did you do?” “Blew up a fuel depot, stole twelve rockets and made off with them in a stolen van, got kidnapped by a maniac, and had dinner with a guy who farted fire.” “That would be funny, but I’m worried it’s all true.” “It’s been a long couple days.” “Did he really fart fire?” Morelli asked.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“How’s it going?” Morelli wanted to know. “It’s average. Stole a truck. Blew up a house. Brought seven monkeys home with me. And now I have a naked man in my shower.” “Yeah, same ol’, same ol’,” Morelli said.”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

“haunches, looking dejected. “Where’s the other monkey?” I asked him. Carl looked up. The monkey was in a tree. “What’s he doing there?” Carl shrugged. “This was a stupid idea,” I said to Diesel. “Yeah, but at least you walked off your sausage-and-egg sandwich. It would have gone straight to your ass.” “I’m going back to Gail’s house, and then”
― Janet Evanovich, quote from Plum Spooky

About the author

Janet Evanovich
Born place: in South River, New Jersey, The United States
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