Quotes from Path of Destruction

Drew Karpyshyn ·  324 pages

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“Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“Two there shall be; no more, no less. One to embody the dark side, the other to crave it.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“Honor is for the living. Dead is dead.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“When you finally betray me, I hope you care enough to try to kill my yourself.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“Equality is a myth to protect the weak. some of us are strong in the Force, others are not. Only a fool believes otherwise.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“Those who ask for mercy,” he answered coldly, “are too weak to deserve it.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“There is no shame in falling,” Pernicar said, standing up. “There is only shame if you refuse to rise once again.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“The dark side is emotion, Bane. Anger, hate, love, lust. These are what make us strong, Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Your passion is still there, Bane. Seek it out. Reclaim it.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“One Master and one apprentice; one to embody the power, the other to crave it”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“When you finally betray me, I hope you care enough to try to kill me yourself.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“The Neimoidian gave a long, gurgling sigh. “You’re right, Des. The decision is made. Grim fate and ill fortune have conspired against you. It’s not like sabacc; you can’t fold a bad hand. In life you just play the cards you’re dealt.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“He walked slowly up and down the rows, glancing at titles and authors, hoping to find something useful. He was so intent in his search that he failed to notice the dark, hooded figure that entered the archives and stood silently in the doorway, watching him”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“The power of the dark side. The heat of passion and emotion. I can feel it in you, as well. Burning beneath the surface. Burning like your anger. It makes you strong.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“...Des felt a familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach. All soldiers felt the same thing going into battle, whether they admitted it or not: fear. Fear of failure, fear of dying, fear of watching their friends die, fear of being wounded and living out the rest of their days crippled or maimed. The fear was always there, and it would devour you if you let it.

Des knew how to turn that fear to his own advantage. Take what makes you weak and turn it into something that makes you strong. Transform the fear into anger and hate: hatred of the enemy; hatred of the Republic and the Jedi. The hate gave him strength, and the strength brought him victory.

For Des the transformation came easily once the fighting started. Thanks to his abusive father, he'd been turning fear into anger and hate ever since he was a child. Maybe that was why he was such a good soldier. Maybe that was why the others looked to him for leadership.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction

“All soldiers felt the same thing going into battle, whether they admitted it or not: fear. Fear of failure, fear of dying, fear of watching their friends die, fear of being wounded and living out the rest of their days crippled or maimed. The fear was always there, and it would devour you if you let it.

Des knew how to turn that fear to his own advantage. Take what makes you weak and turn it into something that makes you strong. Transform the fear into anger and hate: hatred of the enemy; hatred of the Republic and the Jedi. The hate gave him strength, and the strength brought him victory.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, quote from Path of Destruction


About the author

Drew Karpyshyn
Born place: in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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